
If you want to file an issue for any extension listed here please contact the author of the extension.
If you have requests for additional addins start a discussion.
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311 extensions found
Extension types
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Cake.7zip by nils-a
Makes 7zip available as a tool in Cake
Cake.ActiveDirectory by Radio Systems Corporation
Cake addin for working with Active Directory
Cake.AliaSql by RichieCoder1
AliaSql Script Alias for Cake.
Cake.Android.Adb by Jonathan Dick
Cake Aliases for Android's adb command line tool
Cake Build addin to provide Aliases for Android's AVD Manager.
Cake.Android.SdkManager by Jonathan Dick
Cake Aliases for Android's sdkmanager command line tool
Cake.AndroidAppManifest by Geoffrey Huntley
Cake Build addin for [de]serializing and updating an Android AppManifest.xml.
Cake.Apigee by Simon Ransom
Cake Aliases for Apigee
Cake.ApiReference.Uploader by dotnetaddicted
CakeBuild extension for uploading Api references to specified URL.
Cake.AppCenter by Miha Markic
A Cake AddIn that extends Cake with AppCenter command tools.
Cake.AppleSimulator by Geoffrey Huntley
Cake Build addin for managing (simctl) Apple iOS/watchOS/TV simulators.
Cake.AppPackager by Jamie Phillips
Cake AddIn for creating Windows packages.
Cake.AppVeyor by Jonathan Dick
A set of aliases for Cake to access the AppVeyor REST API's
Cake.APT.Module by agc93
This Cake module adds support for the APT package manager when installing tools in your Cake build scripts.
Cake.ArgumentBinder by xforever1313
Bind Cake arguments to classes via Attributes
Cake.ArgumentHelpers by Adam Patridge
Cake add-on trying to make it easier to handle various inputs from arguments and environment variable.
Cake.Asciidoctor by ap0llo
Cake addin for Asciidoctor and Asciidoctor PDF
Cake.AsciiDoctorJ by Nils Andresen
An alias for Cake to help with running AsciiDoctorJ.
Cake addin for retrieving assembly info from an existing assembly.
Cake.AutoRest by Alistair Chapman
Cake addin for generating client code from compatible API definitions (including Swagger).
Cake.AWS.CloudFront by SharpeRAD
AWS CloudFront addin for Cake.
Cake.AWS.CodeDeploy by SharpeRAD
AWS CodeDeploy addin for Cake.
Cake.AWS.EC2 by SharpeRAD
Amazon EC2 addon for Cake.
Cake.Aws.ElasticBeanstalk by mkempe, WilliamABradley, augustoproiete
Cake-Build addin that extends Cake with AWS Elasticbeanstalk extensions
AWS ElasticLoadBalancing addin for Cake.
Cake.AWS.Lambda by SharpeRAD
Cake Build addon for Amazon Lambda.
Cake.AWS.Route53 by SharpeRAD
AWS Route53 addin for Cake.
Cake.AWS.S3 by SharpeRAD
AWS S3 addin for Cake.
Cake.AzCopy by Alistair Chapman
A simple Cake addin powered by the AzCopy utility for uploading and downloading files to and from Azure Storage (including Blob, Table and Files).
Cake.Azure by DixonDs
Cake plugin to manage Azure resources
Cake.AzureDevOps by Pascal Berger
Addin for the Cake build automation system for working with Azure DevOps or Azure DevOps Server.
Cake.AzureStorage by Radio Systems Corporation
Cake addin for Azure Storage
Cake.BenchmarkDotNet by rfleming71
Cake addin for working with BenchmarkDotNet
Cake.BitDiffer by Eugen [WebDucer] Richter
Cake Addin for BitDiffer command line
Cake.Board.Asana by Nicola Biancolini
This add-in allows you to interact directly with the tasks of Asana.
Cake.Board.AzureBoards by Nicola Biancolini
This add-in allows you to interact directly with the work items of Azure Boards.
Cake.Boots by jonathanpeppers
boots is a dotnet global tool for "bootstrapping" vsix & pkg files.
Cake.Bower by Warren Bates
A set of aliases for Cake to run Bower commands
Cake.BrowserStack by dlbroadfoot
Cake Build addin for BrowserStack API's.
Cake.Buildah by SimCubeLtd
Cake Build addin for Buildah.
Cake.BuildSystems.Module by Alistair Chapman
This Cake module will introduce a number of features for running in hosted CI build environments to tightly integrate with the host environment/tools.
Cake.Bumpy by fwinkelbauer
Cake Addin that extends Cake with the ability to manage version information in a project using bumpy.exe
Cake.Buns.ReportPortal by OlegYanushkevich
Cake extension for cleaning and merging ReportPortal launches.
Cake.CakeBoss by SharpeRAD
Cake Build addon for calling CakeBoss agents.
Cake Chocolatey Module.
Cake.Chutzpah by James Nail
Chutzpah JS test runner addin for Cake Build.
Cake.CK.Pack by Invenietis
Packer with globbing and file filtering for Cake.
Cake.ClickTwice by agc93
Cake host for ClickTwice publishing, including the addin and all required libraries
Cake.CloudFormation by epbloxx
CakeBuild plug-in to execute AWS cloud fromation CLI commands
Cake.CMake by Patrik Svensson
Addin that extends Cake with CMake support.
Cake.Codecov by Larz White
Cake addin that extends Cake with ability to use Codecov.
Cake.CodeGen.NSwag by lukoerfer
Cake Addin for code generation from OpenAPI specifications via NSwag
Cake.CodeGen.OpenAPI by lukoerfer
Cake Addin for code generation via the OpenAPI Generator (f.k.a. Swagger Codegen)
Cake.CodeQL.Cli by louisfischer, cake-contrib
Cake.CodeQL.Clie is a set of Cake aliases that integrate with GitHub Advanced Security (GAS). GAS uses CodeQL to find vulnerabilities in your code. The code must be hosted GitHub or GitHub Enterprise.
Cake.Compression by Artur Kordowski
Cake AddIn which provides compression functionality for BZip2, GZip and Zip.
Cake Addin to generate changelog file depends on git log.
Cake.CoverageComparer by AlbertoMonteiro
A simple coverage comparer that compares opecover html report
Cake.Coveralls by Gary Ewan Park
Cake Build addin for publishing code coverage results to coveralls.io.
Cake.Coverlet by Alex McAuliffe
Cake addin that extends Cake with the ability to use Coverlet.
Cake.CsvHelper by Radio Systems Corporation
Cake addin for working with CSV files using the CSVHelper library
Cake.Curl by Enrico Campidoglio
A cross-platform add-in for Cake that allows to transfer files to and from remote URLs using curl.
Cake.Dart by Miha Markic
A Cake AddIn that extends Cake with Dart command tools.
Cake.Debootstrap by csnewman
Debootstrap support for Cake
An addin to verify if the NuGet dependencies of a C# Project are up-to-date. Produces an inline report.
Cake.DependencyCheck by Burak İnce
A Cake AddIn that allows will run the OWASP Dependency-Check utility.
Cake addin for loging in to Azure Resource Manager.
Cake addin to get Azure WebApp Publishing Credentials.
Cake addin to use Azure Resource Manager template.
Cake.Deploy.Bot.LUIS by ObjectivityLtd
Cake addin for deploying LUIS app
Cake.Deploy.Variables by ObjectivityLtd
Cake addin for the deployment variables management.
Cake.DeployParams by wooboo
Cake addin for generating WebDeploy parameters.
Cake.DevicesXunitTestReceiver by Benjamin Pettit
Cake Build addin for receiving test results from Devices.Xunit test hosts.
Cake.Dialog by wk-j
Cake AddIn that provides ability to collect user input during build.
Cake.Discord by gep13
Cake Discord AddIn.
Cake.DNF.Module by Alistair Chapman
This Cake module adds support for the DNF package manager when installing tools in your Cake build scripts.
Cake.DocCreator by agc93
A Cake addin to generate HTML documentation from Markdown source, using DocCreator
Cake.DocFx by Paul Reichelt
Cake AddIn that generates documentation for .Net API reference and markdown files using DocFx.
Cake.Docker by Miha Markič
A Cake AddIn that extends Cake with Docker command tools.
Cake.DocumentDb by BudSystemLimited
Cake plugin for creating documents, collections and seeding documents
Cake.DoInDirectory by pitermarx
Cake Addin to allow the temporary change of the working directory.
Cake Build addin for using the .NET Core EntityFrameworkCore command line interface (CLI)
A Cake module to install tools from a .NET local tool manifest
Cake DotNetTool Module.
Cake addin providing support for the .Net Version Detector application
Cake addin that extends Cake with ability to use Eazfuscator.Net.
Cake.Electron.Net by Deniz İrgin
A Cake AddIn that extends Cake with Electron.NET command tools.
Cake.Email by jericho
Cake Addin that exends Cake with ability to send email.
Cake.Ember by gep13
Cake Addin that exends Cake with ability to run the Ember CLI.
Cake.Endpoint by engelbert-strauss GmbH & Co. KG
Cake Addin that exends Cake with the ability to perform json based endpoint orchestration.
Cake.EntityFramework6 by louisfischer, Cake-Contrib
Cake.EntityFramework6 is a set of Cake aliases for Entity Framework 6.3 or above (not .NET Core) code-first migration using the ef6.exe command line interface (cli).
Cake.EntityFrameworkCore by louisfischer
Cake.EntityFrameworkCore is a set of Cake aliases for working with Entity Framework Core Migrations from an assembly instead of project source files.
Cake.EnvXmlTransform by Niklas Engberg
Cake addin that enables you to transform configuration files based on the environment or machine you're deploying to.
Cake.ESLint by nils-a
Makes [ESLint](https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/command-line-interface) available as a tool in [Cake](https://cakebuild.net/)
Cake.ExcelDnaPack by augustoproiete
Cake add-in that makes ExcelDnaPack available as a tool in Cake.
Cake.ExtendedNuGet by Jonathan Dick
Cake build aliases and classes additional NuGet functionality.
Cake.Fastlane by Rodney Littles II
Cake addin that extends Cake with support for fastlane tools.
Cake.Figlet by Phil Scott
Cake build aliases and classes for adding ASCII art to your build script output.
Cake.FileHelpers by Jonathan Dick
A set of aliases for Cake to help with simple file operations such as Reading, Writing and Replacing text.
Cake.FileSet by Steve Phillips
FileSet alias which uses Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing to find files based on include and exclude patterns.
Cake.FluentMigrator by Fredrik Leijon
Cake Addin that extends Cake for executing commands with the FluentMigrator tool.
Cake.Flutter by Miha Markic
A Cake addin to provide support for Flutter.
Cake.Flyway by Thomas Burgener
A set of aliases for Cake to help with running Flyway scripts as part of a build.
Cake.Ftp by Jamie Phillips
Cake Addin for working with FTP from a Cake script.
Cake.FtpDeploy by Christopher Pink
Cake Addin to facilitate deployment with FTP.
Cake.FtpFolderUpload by Jeppe Roi Kristensen
This is a cake add in for publishing a folder and it's content to a ftp server
Cake.Gem by Gary Ewan Park
Cake Build addin for using gem cli.
Cake.Genymotion by Geoffrey Huntley
Cake Build addin managing Genymotion (Android) simulators.
Cake.Gerrit by rhtnr
Cake addin to post a review/label/comment on Gerrit
Cake.Git by WCOM AB
Cake AddIn that extends Cake with Git aliases using LibGit2 and LibGit2Sharp.
Cake.GitHub by Geert van Horrik, Cake Contributors
GitHub Addin for Cake Build Automation System.
Cake.GithubUtility by Cake.GitHubUtility
Package Description
Cake.GitLab by ap0llo
Cake aliases for interacting with GitLab
Cake.GitLabAPICI by absolutebandit
A cake addin for running GitLab pipelines and jobs via the GitLab API
Cake.GitPackager by Ilya Verbitskiy
Cake AddIn which copies files based on Git log.
Cake.Gitter by Gary Ewan Park
Cake Addin to allow message posting to Gitter Room.
Cake.GitVersioning by AArnott
Cake wrapper for Nerdbank.GitVersioning. Stamps your assemblies with semver 2.0 compliant git commit specific version information and provides NuGet versioning information as well.
Cake.Gradle by abeggchr
An aliase for Cake to help with running Gradle commands
Cake.Graph by wozzo
An alias for Cake to help with displaying Task dependencies
Cake.Graphite by Nicolai Brogaard
A set of aliases for Cake to help with sending metrics to Graphite.
Cake.grate by Fran Hoey
Makes grate available as a tool in Cake.
Cake.Grunt by Ken Lea
A set of aliases for Cake to help with running Grunt scripts as part of a build. (Copied from https://github.com/cake-contrib/cake-gulp by Phil Oyston)
Cake.Gulp by Phil Oyston
A set of aliases for Cake to help with running Gulp scripts as part of a build.
Cake.Handlebars by Alistair Chapman
A simple Cake addin for rendering and compiling Handlebars templates.
Cake addin for working with Handlebars templates
Cake.Helm by pitermarx
Cake AddIn that extends Cake with Helm
Cake.Hg by vCipher
Cake AddIn that extends Cake with Mercurial features using Mercurial.Net
Cake.HgVersion by vCipher
Cake AddIn that extends Cake with SemVer versioning using Mercurial history
Cake.HipChat by Alan Low
Cake Addin to allow message posting to HipChat.
Cake.HockeyApp by Paul Reichelt
Cake AddIn that allows you to deploy your app package to HockeyApp.
Cake.Homebrew by Rodney Littles II
Cake addin that extends Cake with Homebrew features.
Cake.Hosts by Max Vasilyev
Cake build aliases for manipulating HOSTS file.
Cake.Http by Louis Fischer
Cake.Http is set of aliases that help simplify HTTP calls for GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, etc.
A Cake addin used to call the changelog commands to generate a config or create a changelog file
Cake.igloo15.Helper by igloo15
An addin for cake scripts that provides a number of helper functions and classes
An addin for cake scripts that provides various markdown functions
An addin for cake scripts that provides a way of combining markdown documents into one large document for pandoc generation
Cake.IIS by SharpeRAD
Cake addin that extends Cake with IIS support.
Cake.ImageOptimizer by SharpeRAD
Cake addin for bulk optimizing images
Cake.Incubator by Scott Mackay
A set of useful extension methods and aliases for Cake
Cake.ISO by Austin Parker
Create an ISO as part of a Cake build.
Cake.Issues by BBT Software AG
The issues addin allows you to read issue from any code analyzer or linter. This addin provides the aliases for reading issues. It also requires one or more issue provider addins for the specific code analyzer or linter. There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests. See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
Cake.Issues.DocFx by BBT Software AG
The DocFx support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to read warnings from DocFx log files. This addin provides the aliases for reading warnings from DocFx log files and provides them to the Cake.Issues addin. It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin. There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests. See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
Cake.Issues.DupFinder by janniksam
The JetBrains dupFinder support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to read issues logged by JetBrains dupFinder. This addin provides the aliases for reading JetBrains dupFinder issues and providing them to the Cake.Issues addin. It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin. There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests. See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
Cake.Issues.EsLint by BBT Software AG
The EsLint support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to read issues logged by ESLint. This addin provides the aliases for reading ESLint issues and providing them to the Cake.Issues addin. It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin. There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests. See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
Cake.Issues.GitRepository by Pascal Berger
The Git repository support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to analyze Git repositories. This addin provides the aliases for analyzing Git repositories and create issues resulting from it using the Cake.Issues addin. It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin. There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests. See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
Cake.Issues.InspectCode by BBT Software AG
The JetBrains Inspect Code support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to read issues logged by JetBrains Inspect Code. This addin provides the aliases for reading JetBrains Inspect Code issues and providing them to the Cake.Issues addin. It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin. There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests. See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
Cake.Issues.Markdownlint by BBT Software AG
The Markdownlint support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to read issues logged by Markdownlint. This addin provides the aliases for reading Markdownlint issues and providing them to the Cake.Issues addin. It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin. There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests. See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
Cake.Issues.MsBuild by BBT Software AG
The MsBuild support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to read issues logged as warnings in a MsBuild log. This addin provides the aliases for reading MsBuild warnings and providing them to the Cake.Issues addin. It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin. There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests. See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
Cake.Issues.PullRequests by BBT Software AG
The pull requests issues addin allows you to write issue from any code analyzer or linter as comments to pull requests. This addin provides the aliases for writing issues to pull requests. It requires the core Cake.Issues addin, addins for reading issues and an addin for the specific pull request system. See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
AppVeyor support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to write found issues as message to AppVeyor builds. This addin provides the aliases for writing to AppVeyor builds. It also requires the core Cake.Issues and Cake.Issues.PullRequests addins and one or more issue providers. See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
Cake.Issues.PullRequests.AzureDevOps by BBT Software AG and contributors
The Azure DevOps support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to write found issues as comments to Azure DevOps pull requests. This addin provides the aliases for writing to Azure DevOps pull requests. It also requires the core Cake.Issues and Cake.Issues.PullRequests addins and one or more issue providers. See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
GitHub Actions support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to report to GitHub Actions builds. This addin provides the aliases for writing to GitHub Actions builds. It also requires the core Cake.Issues and Cake.Issues.PullRequests addins and one or more issue providers. See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
Cake.Issues.Reporting by Pascal Berger
The issues reporting addin allows you to create reports for issue from any code analyzer or linter. This addin provides the aliases for creating reports. It requires the core Cake.Issues addin, addins for reading issues and one or more reporting format addin for the specific report format. See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
This addin for the Cake.Issues addin for Cake .NET Tool allows you to print issues to the console. This addin provides the aliases for reporting issues to the console. It also requires the core Cake.Issues and Cake.Issues.Reporting addins and one or more issue providers. See the Project Site for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts. NOTE: This is the version of the addin compatible with Cake .NET Tool. For addin compatible with Cake Frosting see Cake.Frosting.Issues.Reporting.Console. The addin requires Cake .NET Tool 1.2.0 or higher running on .NET 5.0 or higher.
The generic report support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to create issue reports in any text format (HTML, Markdown, ...). This addin provides the aliases for any text based report format. It also requires the core Cake.Issues and Cake.Issues.Reporting addins and one or more issue providers. See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
Cake.Issues.Reporting.Sarif by Pascal Berger
The SARIF support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to create SARIF compatible files. This addin provides the aliases for creating SARIF compatible files. It also requires the core Cake.Issues and Cake.Issues.Reporting addins and one or more issue providers. See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
Cake.Issues.Sarif by Cake Issues contributors
The SARIF support for the Cake.Issues addin for Cake allows you to read SARIF compatible files. This addin provides the aliases for reading issues from SARIF compatible files and providing them to the Cake.Issues addin. It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin. There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests. See the Project Site for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts. NOTE: This is the version of the addin compatible with Cake Script Runners. For addin compatible with Cake Frosting see Cake.Frosting.Issues.Sarif.
Cake.Issues.Tap by Cake Issues contributors
The TAP support for the Cake.Issues addin for Cake allows you to read Test Anything Protocol (TAP) compatible files. This addin provides the aliases for reading issues from TAP compatible files and providing them to the Cake.Issues addin. It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin. There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests. See the Project Site for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts. NOTE: This is the version of the addin compatible with Cake Script Runners. For addin compatible with Cake Frosting see Cake.Frosting.Issues.Tap.
Cake.Issues.Terraform by Pascal Berger
The Terraform support for the Cake.Issues addin for Cake allows you to read issues logged by terraform validate. This addin provides the aliases for reading terraform validate output and providing them to the Cake.Issues addin. It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin. There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests. See the Project Site for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
Cake.Jekyll by augustoproiete
Cake addin that makes Jekyll available in Cake builds. Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby.
Cake.Jira by Hugo Tavares
A Cake addin for integrating with Jira issue tracker.
Cake.JMeter by pitermarx
Cake Aliases for using the JMeter tool
Cake.Json by Jonathan Dick
A set of aliases to help with JSON Serialization
Cake.Karma by Adam Houldsworth
Cake Karma Addin.
Cake.KeePass by Ash Beeson
A cake addin that allows reading from KeePass password databases. Keep plaintext passwords out of your source control!
Cake.Kubectl by Miha Markic, Roman Marusyk, Cake Contributors
Kubectl Addin for Cake Deployment Automation System.
Cake.Kudu by WCOMAB
Cake addin to help with Kudu deployments.
Cake.Kudu.Client by WCOMAB
Cake add-in to help with remotely communicating with AppServices Kudu engine.
Cake.LibMan by louisfischer, Cake-Contrib
Cake.LibMan is an Addin that extends Cake for executing commands with the LibMan (Library Manager) command line interface (cli).
Cake.LicenseHeaderUpdater by xforever1313
Cake addin to update the license header of source code files.
Cake module that will use a console palette suitable for light background colors.
Cake.Liquibase by Philipp Grathwohl
Addin for running liquibase database migrations with the Cake build system.
Cake.LongPath.Module by Mattias Karlsson
The Cake long path module.
Cake.Mage by Phil Scott
A Cake addin to provide support for Mage.exe.
Cake.Markdown-Pdf by Warren Bates
An alias for Cake to help with running Markdown-Pdf commands as part of a build
Cake.Markdownlint by BBT Software AG
The Issues Addin for Cake allows you to run markdownlint.
Cake.MarkdownToPdf by Toni Wenzel
Addin to convert markdown files to pdf.
Cake.Mastodon by Miha Markic, Cake Contributors
Cake Addin that exends Cake with ability to post messages to Mastodon, using the Mastodon REST API.
Cake Addin that extends Cake with Microsoft Teams messaging capabilities
Cake.MiniCover by Nathan Lowe
Cake addin for MiniCover
Cake.MinVer by augustoproiete
Cake add-in that makes MinVer available as a tool in Cake.
Cake.MkDocs by Michał Kowal
Cake Addin that extends Cake with ability to run the MkDocs.
Cake Build addin to provide aliases for using the Mono API Tools (API info, XML diff, HTML diff and Markdown diff).
Cake.MSBuildTask by Mark Walker
Adds ability to run any MSBuild task from a Cake script.
Cake.MsDeploy by Louis Fischer
Cake Addin that extends Cake for executing commands with the MsDeploy.exe command line interface (cli)
Cake.NDepend by João Rosa
An alias wrapping the NDepend.Console command line tool.
Cake.Netlify by Jamie Phillips
Cake addin for Netlify
Cake.Newman by Alistair Chapman
Cake addin for testing Postman Collection APIs using the Newman CLI.
Cake.NewRelic by BMWilding
NewRelic Deployment Tool for Cake
Cake.Npm by Phil Oyston
A set of aliases for Cake to help with running Npm (Node Package Manager) commands.
Cake.Npm.Module by Alistair Chapman
This Cake module adds support for the npm package manager when installing tools in your Cake build scripts.
Cake.Npx by michael-wolfenden
A set of aliases for Cake for running Npx commands
Cake.NScan by grzesiek-galezowski
A tool for enforcing project dependency conventions - library
Cake.NSpec by app-iron
Cake Adapter that enables nspec tests
Cake.NSwag by Alistair Chapman
Cake addin for compiling client code and API definitions (including Swagger) using the NSwag toolchain. If you have issues running this addin on .NET Core, try using Cake.NSwag.Console instead.
A simple Cake addin powered by NSwag for compiling client code and API definitions from a variety of sources
Cake.Nuget.Versioning by Attila Kemeny
Contains functionality for creating NuGet compatible version numbers
Cake.NUnitRetry by Cake.NUnitRetry
Package Description
Cake.OctoDeploy by NineTail Labs
Cake addin for easy creation of GitHub releases
Converts OpenCover xml report to Cobertura format - for use with VSTS
Cake.Openshift by Meir Blachman
A set of aliases for Cake to help with running Openshift commands
Cake.Orchard by Radio Systems
Cake AddIn to assist building Orchard projects.
Cake.Packages by Tom Staijen
Generated Dashboard Controllers
Cake.Paket by Larz White
Adds paket support to cake.
Cake.Paket.Module by Larz White
Paket module for cake.
Cake.Pandoc by JuergenRB
Cake addin to convert files from one markup format into another with pandoc.
Cake.Parallel.Module by Cake.Parallel.Module
Package Description
Cake.Path by Steve Phillips
A Cake AddIn that extends Cake with the ability to add items to the PATH.
Cake.PathTildeHelper by Adam Patridge
Cake add-in to provide aliases to help translate tilde (~) characters to absolute paths usable in locations requiring a full path.
Cake.PickAndRoll by jincod
Keep environment specific attributes in separate configuration files and build desired config on demand.
Cake.PinNuGetDependency by Geoffrey Huntley
Cake Build addin used to lock dependency versions within NuGet packages.
Cake.PlasticSCM by unatecict
A cakebuild addin that allows you to work with PlasticSCM
Cake.Plist by Paul Reichelt
Cake addin for deserializing, modifying and serializing Apple OSX/iOS xml plists directly from .NET source code.
A wrapper around pnpm functionality within a Cake build script.
Cake.Powershell by SharpeRAD
Cake addin that extends Cake with Powershell command support.
Cake.ProGet by Apprenda
Cake addin that extends Cake with Inedo ProGet support.
Cake.ProjHelpers by orialmog
Cake AddIn to embed files into .proj files
Cake.Prompt by James Connor, Yves Schmid
Cake AddIn that provides ability to collect user input during build.
Cake.ProtobufTools by Miha Markic
A Cake AddIn that extends Cake with ProtobufTools command tools.
Cake.Pulumi by James Connor
Cake Pulumi Addin.
Cake.Putty by Miha Markič
A Cake AddIn that extends Cake with Putty command tools.
Cake.Raygun by Geoffrey Huntley
Cake Build addin for uploading Xamarin.iOS / Objective-C debug symbols (dSYM) to Raygun.io.
Cake.RepoVersion by Kevin Johnson
Cake AddIn that provides automatic versioning using the repo-version tool.
Cake.ReSharperReports by Gary Ewan Park
Cake AddIn that extends Cake with ability to transform ReSharper Reports into human readable format.
Cake.ResourceHacker by Miha Markic, Cake Contributors
ResourceHacker Addin for Cake Build.
Cake.Rest by hadi77ir
Cake Addin for easily consuming REST APIs through RestSharp.
Cake.ResxConverter by jzeferino, Luís Gonçalves
ResxConverter is a tool that helps convert Resx files to any format.
Cake.RSync by csnewman
RSync support for Cake
Cake.ScheduledTasks by Ashwin Menon
Windows task scheduler addin for Cake
Cake.Scripty by Dave Glick
Tools to let you use Roslyn-powered C# scripts for code generation.
Cake.SemVer by Jonathan Dick
Cake build aliases and classes for Semantic Versioning.
Cake.SendGrid by jericho
Cake Addin that exends Cake with ability to utilize SendGrid.
Cake.Services by SharpeRAD
Windows Services addin for Cake.
Cake.SFTP by JeroenVandezande
a plug-in for Cake Build that allows you to upload, download and delete files on an SFT server.
Cake.SharePoint by JeroenVandezande
Cake AddIn to upload build artifacts to SharePoint.
Cake.SimpleHTTPServer by cake-addin
Cake.SitecoreCodegen by fpodshivadlov
Cake Addin for Sitecore code generation
Cake.Slack by WCOMAB
Cake Addin that extends Cake with Slack messaging features.
Cake.SmartAssembly by Miha Markic
A Cake AddIn that extends Cake with Redgate's SmartAssembly.
Cake.Sonar by Tom Staijen
A Cake AddIn that allows will run the Sonar MSBuild Runner for csharp projects.
Package Description
Cake.SonarScanner by pitermarx
Cake Addin to run the sonnar-scanner tool.
Cake.SPCAF by juro-org
Alias to assist with running SPCAF from Cake build scripts
Cake.Sprinkles.Module by EdLichtman
A module to be used with Cake Frosting. It automatically injects arguments from the CLI, Cake.Config file, or Environment Variables into C# properties through Decorator attributes, and uses those same decorator attributes to enhance documentation and reduce the scope of messaging you need to include for users of your Cake Frosting application.
Cake.SqlPackage by Rodney Littles II
Cake AddIn that extends Cake for creating and deploying SQL Server databases and DACPAC packages.
Cake.SqlServer by Max Vasilyev
Cake build aliases for manipulating SQL Server databases and executing inline SQL and script files.
Cake.SqlServerPackager by Ilya Verbitskiy
Cake AddIn that packages multiple SQL Scripts into one file to speed up deployment and minimize the probability of errors.
Cake.SqlTools by SharpeRAD
Cake Build addin for executing sql scripts against a database
Cake.SquareLogo by Cake.SquareLogo
Package Description
Cake.Squirrel by Jamie Phillips
Cake addin for Squirrel.Windows
Cake.SSRS by Louis Fischer
Cake.SSRS is set of aliases that help simplify deploying objects to SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
Cake.Storyteller by Bibodha
Storyteller 3 Alias for Cake
Cake.StrongNameSigner by Gary Ewan Park
Cake.StrongNameSigner is an Addin for Cake which allows the execution of the StrongNameSigner.Console.exe.
Cake.StrongNameTool by Kristofer Linnestjerna
Cake AddIn to help with the resigning and verification of StrongName in .NET assemblies by using sn.exe
Cake.StyleCop by Ash Beeson
A Cake AddIn that allows code style 'linting' using StyleCop.
Cake.Svn by Martin Björkström, Pascal Berger and contributors
Addin that extends the Cake build automation system with Subversion features using SharpSvn.
Cake.SynVer by Oskar Gewalli, SPISE MISU ApS (Ramón Soto Mathiesen)
Cake Addin to help get version from assembly differences.
Cake.Systemctl by Vadim Hatsura
An addin for the Cake Build System to manage services via systemctl service manager.
Cake.Talend by Radio Systems Corporation
Cake Addin for working with Talend.
Cake.TeamCityCoverageReporter by wozzo17, thnk2wn
Addin to enable code coverage reporting from an OpenCover result XML file to TeamCity
Cake.Terraform by Erik van Brakel
Cake addin for working with Terraform
Cake.Tfs.AutoMerge by mabreu
Cake Aliases for auto merge Git Branches using TFS Pull Requests.
Cake.Tfs.Build.Variables by Attila Kemeny
Retrieving TFS variable from arguments or environment variables
Cake.Tfx by Gary Ewan Park
Cake Build addin for using tfx cli.
Cake.Tools.ReadyAPI.TestEngine allows for the build time integration of ReadyAPI automated testing via TestEngine.
Cake.Tools.ReadyAPI.TestRunner allows for the build time integration of ReadyAPI automated testing.
Cake.Topshelf by SharpeRAD
Cake build addin for managing Topshelf based windows services.
Cake.Transifex by Kim Nordmo
Cake Aliases for using the transifex localization service client
Cake.TravisCI by Rodney Littles II
Cake addin that extends the DSL with TravisCI aliases.
Cake.Twitter by Gary Ewan Park
Cake Build addin for tweeting to Twitter.
Cake.Tyrannoport by iwillspeak
🦖 For processing TRX files into something more enjoyable 🦖
Cake.Umbraco.PackageUploader by ObjectivityLtd
Cake addin for automatic Umbraco packages upload.
Cake.UncUtils by kolletzki
A collection of UNC aliases for Cake
Cake.Unicorn by George Chang
An add-in for the Cake Build system to execute an Unicorn sync for Sitecore.
Cake.Unity by Patrik Svensson, Anatoliy Kolesnick
Unity build support for Cake.
Cake.Unity3D by Sam Oates
Unity build support for Cake.
Cake module for supporting downloading files from url's in the #load directive.
Cake.UServer by cake-addin
Cake.Vagrant by Alistair Chapman
Cake addin for creating and managing Vagrant virtual machines
Cake.Vault by jincod
Get vault secrets.
Cake.VersionReader by NineTail Labs
Cake Build addon to assist with reading version numbers from an assembly
A simple Cake addin to compile CouchDB views from a set of .js files.
Cake.VsCode by Gary Ewan Park
Cake AddIn that extends Cake with ability to execute the vsce command line utility.
Cake.VSforMac by osamarabea
Cake Build addon for Visual Studio for mac with vstool support
Cake.VsixSignTool by Miha Markiè
Cake AddIn that extends Cake with VsixSignTool.
Cake.VsMetrics by fwinkelbauer
Cake Addin that extends Cake with the ability to use Visual Studio's metrics.exe
Cake.VulnerabilityScanner by RapidFailure
CakeBuild plug-in to Scan your projects for open source vulnerabilities
Cake.Warp by Kim Nordmo
Cake addin for creating self-contained single binary applications using warp
Cake.Watch by Somnuk Wongkhan
Cake addin to watch files change.
Cake.WebDeploy by SharpeRAD
Cake addin that extends Cake with WebDeploy commands for publishing to IIS.
Cake.Webpack by Phil Oyston
Aliases to assist with running Webpack from Cake build scripts.
Cake.Wget by deqenq
Cake.Wget is a cross-platform add-in for Cake build automation system which encapsulates Wget tool.
Cake.WindowsAppStore by Geert van Horrik, Cake Contributors
WindowsAppStore Addin for Cake Build Automation System.
Cake.WinSCP by Ilya Verbitskiy
Cake AddIn to upload files using WinSCP.
Cake.Wyam by Dave Glick, Gary Ewan Park
An alias that generates static sites and other content using Wyam.
Cake.Wyam2 by Wyam2
Wyam2 is a simple to use, highly modular, and extremely configurable static content generator and is a continuation of the awesome project Wyam created by Dave Glick. This library contains an addin for Cake for interacting with Wyam.
Cake.Xamarin by Jonathan Dick
A set of aliases for Cake to help with Xamarin projects.
Cake.Xamarin.Binding.Util by Microsoft, Xamarin
Cake Add-In providing utilities for Xamarin Binding build scripts
Cake.XCode by Jonathan Dick
A set of aliases for Cake to help with XCode and CocoaPods.
Cake.XComponent by XComponent Team
Cake build aliases for manipulating XComponent Tools.
Cake.XdtTransform by Jamie Phillips
Cake addin for performing XDT Transformations
The project compiles multiple xml configs to single one using the CTT.
Cake.XmlDoc.Checker by dotnetaddicted
CakeBuild extension for checking DLL's public members xml documentation completeness.
Cake.XmlDocMarkdown by Ed Ball
Generates Markdown from .NET XML documentation comments.
Cake.Yaml by Jonathan Dick
A set of aliases to help with YAML Serialization
Cake.Yarn by Maxim Milovanov
A set of aliases for Cake to help with running Yarn (Node Package Manager from Facebook) commands.
Cake.Yeoman by BBT Software AG
The Yeoman Addin for Cake allows you to call Yeoman generators from Cake.
MagicChunks by Sergey Zwezdin
Easy to use tool to config transformations for JSON, XML and YAML.