If you want to file an issue for any extension listed here please contact the author of the extension.
If you have requests for additional addins start a discussion.
If you are an extension author and want to have your extension listed, follow the instructions.
codeql, scan, scanning, github, enterprise, advanced, security, gas
Cake.CodeQL.Clie is a set of Cake aliases that integrate with GitHub Advanced Security (GAS). GAS uses CodeQL to find vulnerabilities in your code. The code must be hosted GitHub or GitHub Enterprise.
entityframework, ef, code first, migrations, sql server
Cake.EntityFramework6 is a set of Cake aliases for Entity Framework 6.3 or above (not .NET Core) code-first migration using the ef6.exe command line interface (cli).
Cake wrapper for Nerdbank.GitVersioning. Stamps your assemblies with semver 2.0 compliant git commit specific version information and provides NuGet versioning information as well.
A set of aliases for Cake to help with running Grunt scripts as part of a build. (Copied from https://github.com/cake-contrib/cake-gulp by Phil Oyston)
The issues addin allows you to read issue from any code analyzer or linter.
This addin provides the aliases for reading issues.
It also requires one or more issue provider addins for the specific code analyzer or linter.
There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests.
See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
The DocFx support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to read warnings from DocFx log files.
This addin provides the aliases for reading warnings from DocFx log files and provides them to the Cake.Issues addin.
It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin.
There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests.
See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
The JetBrains dupFinder support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to read issues logged by JetBrains dupFinder.
This addin provides the aliases for reading JetBrains dupFinder issues and providing them to the Cake.Issues addin.
It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin.
There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests.
See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
The EsLint support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to read issues logged by ESLint.
This addin provides the aliases for reading ESLint issues and providing them to the Cake.Issues addin.
It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin.
There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests.
See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
The Git repository support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to analyze Git repositories.
This addin provides the aliases for analyzing Git repositories and create issues resulting from it using the Cake.Issues addin.
It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin.
There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests.
See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
The JetBrains Inspect Code support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to read issues logged by JetBrains Inspect Code.
This addin provides the aliases for reading JetBrains Inspect Code issues and providing them to the Cake.Issues addin.
It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin.
There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests.
See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
The Markdownlint support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to read issues logged by Markdownlint.
This addin provides the aliases for reading Markdownlint issues and providing them to the Cake.Issues addin.
It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin.
There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests.
See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
The MsBuild support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to read issues logged as warnings in a MsBuild log.
This addin provides the aliases for reading MsBuild warnings and providing them to the Cake.Issues addin.
It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin.
There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests.
See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
The pull requests issues addin allows you to write issue from any code analyzer or linter as comments to pull requests.
This addin provides the aliases for writing issues to pull requests.
It requires the core Cake.Issues addin, addins for reading issues and an addin for the specific pull request system.
See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
AppVeyor support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to write found issues as message to AppVeyor builds.
This addin provides the aliases for writing to AppVeyor builds.
It also requires the core Cake.Issues and Cake.Issues.PullRequests addins and one or more issue providers.
See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
The Azure DevOps support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to
write found issues as comments to Azure DevOps pull requests.
This addin provides the aliases for writing to Azure DevOps pull requests.
It also requires the core Cake.Issues and Cake.Issues.PullRequests addins and one or more issue providers.
See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
GitHub Actions support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to report to GitHub Actions builds.
This addin provides the aliases for writing to GitHub Actions builds.
It also requires the core Cake.Issues and Cake.Issues.PullRequests addins and one or more issue providers.
See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
The issues reporting addin allows you to create reports for issue from any code analyzer or linter.
This addin provides the aliases for creating reports.
It requires the core Cake.Issues addin, addins for reading issues and one or more reporting format addin for the specific report format.
See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
This addin for the Cake.Issues addin for Cake .NET Tool allows you to print issues to the console.
This addin provides the aliases for reporting issues to the console.
It also requires the core Cake.Issues and Cake.Issues.Reporting addins and one or more issue providers.
See the Project Site for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
This is the version of the addin compatible with Cake .NET Tool.
For addin compatible with Cake Frosting see Cake.Frosting.Issues.Reporting.Console.
The addin requires Cake .NET Tool 1.2.0 or higher running on .NET 5.0 or higher.
The generic report support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to create issue reports in any text format (HTML, Markdown, ...).
This addin provides the aliases for any text based report format.
It also requires the core Cake.Issues and Cake.Issues.Reporting addins and one or more issue providers.
See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
The SARIF support for the Cake.Issues addin allows you to create SARIF compatible files.
This addin provides the aliases for creating SARIF compatible files.
It also requires the core Cake.Issues and Cake.Issues.Reporting addins and one or more issue providers.
See cakeissues.net for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
The SARIF support for the Cake.Issues addin for Cake allows you to read SARIF compatible files.
This addin provides the aliases for reading issues from SARIF compatible files and providing them to the Cake.Issues addin.
It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin.
There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests.
See the Project Site for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
This is the version of the addin compatible with Cake Script Runners.
For addin compatible with Cake Frosting see Cake.Frosting.Issues.Sarif.
The TAP support for the Cake.Issues addin for Cake allows you to read Test Anything Protocol (TAP) compatible files.
This addin provides the aliases for reading issues from TAP compatible files and providing them to the Cake.Issues addin.
It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin.
There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests.
See the Project Site for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
This is the version of the addin compatible with Cake Script Runners.
For addin compatible with Cake Frosting see Cake.Frosting.Issues.Tap.
The Terraform support for the Cake.Issues addin for Cake allows you to read issues logged by terraform validate.
This addin provides the aliases for reading terraform validate output and providing them to the Cake.Issues addin.
It also requires the core Cake.Issues addin.
There are also additional addins for generating reports or posting issues to pull requests.
See the Project Site for an overview of the whole ecosystem of addins for working with issues in Cake scripts.
Cake addin for compiling client code and API definitions (including Swagger) using the NSwag toolchain. If you have issues running this addin on .NET Core, try using Cake.NSwag.Console instead.
A module to be used with Cake Frosting. It automatically injects arguments from the CLI, Cake.Config file, or Environment Variables into C# properties through Decorator attributes, and uses those same decorator attributes to enhance documentation and reduce the scope of messaging you need to include for users of your Cake Frosting application.
Wyam2 is a simple to use, highly modular, and extremely configurable static content generator and is a continuation of the awesome project Wyam created by Dave Glick. This library contains an addin for Cake for interacting with Wyam.