
Cake addin that extends Cake with Powershell command support.

#addin nuget:?package=Cake.Powershell&version=4.0.0

dotnet add package Cake.Powershell --version 4.0.0

<PackageReference Include="Cake.Powershell" Version="4.0.0" />


Contains Cake aliases for running Powershell commands.


StartPowershellDownload(Uri, FilePath, Action<ProcessArgumentBuilder>) Starts a powershell script using the specified information.
StartPowershellDownload(Uri, FilePath, PowershellSettings) Starts a powershell script using the specified information.
StartPowershellDownload(Uri, FilePath) Starts a powershell script using the specified information.
StartPowershellFile(FilePath, Action<ProcessArgumentBuilder>) Starts a powershell script using the specified information.
StartPowershellFile(FilePath, PowershellSettings) Starts a powershell script using the specified information.
StartPowershellFile(FilePath) Starts a powershell script using the specified information.
StartPowershellScript(string, Action<ProcessArgumentBuilder>) Starts a powershell script using the specified information.
StartPowershellScript(string, PowershellSettings) Starts a powershell script using the specified information.
StartPowershellScript(string) Starts a powershell script using the specified information.