Cake.AppVeyor.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary

AppVeyor API related cake aliases.

In order to use aliases from this addin, you will need to also reference Refit and Newtonsoft.Json as an addin. Here is what including Cake.AppVeyor in your script should look like:

#addin package:?Cake.AppVeyor
#addin package:?Refit&version=4.6.58
#addin package:?Newtonsoft.Json&version=11.0.2

AppVeyorBuild Build.
AppVeyorBuildRequestLatestCommit Provides a class to describe the properties of the latest commit of an AppVeyor build.
AppVeyorBuildRequestPullRequest Provides a class to describe the properties of a pull request build.
AppVeyorBuildRequestSpecificCommit Provides a class to describe the properties of a specific commit of an AppVeyor build.
AppVeyorCancelDeploymentRequest Provides a class to describe the properties of a deployment to be cancelled.
AppVeyorClient Provides a class for sending HTTP requests to AppVeyor.
AppVeyorDeployment Deployment.
AppVeyorEnvironment Environment.
AppVeyorEnvironmentDeployment Environment Deployment information.
AppVeyorEnvironmentDeployments Environment Deployments.
AppVeyorJob Job.
AppVeyorNuGetFeed NuGet Feed.
AppVeyorProject Project.
AppVeyorProjectBuild Project Build.
AppVeyorProjectDeployment Project Deployment.
AppVeyorProjectDeployments Project Deployments.
AppVeyorProjectHistory Project History.
AppVeyorSettings AppVeyor Settings.
AppVeyorStartDeploymentRequest Provides a class to describe the properties of a deployment that should be started.
AuthenticatedHttpClientHandler The default message handler used by AppVeyorClient.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IAppVeyorApi Provides the API methods that can be called against AppVeyor via the AppVeyorClient.