AppVeyorBuild Class


Base Types
  • Object
graph BT Type-->Base0["Object"] Type["AppVeyorBuild"] class Type type-node


public class AppVeyorBuild


Name Summary


Name Value Summary
AuthorName string
Gets or sets the name of the author.
AuthorUsername string
Gets or sets the author username.
Branch string
Gets or sets the branch.
BuildId int
Gets or sets the build identifier.
BuildNumber int
Gets or sets the build number.
CommitId string
Gets or sets the commit identifier (md5 hash).
Committed Nullable<DateTime>
Gets or sets the time of the commit.
CommitterName string
Gets or sets the name of the committer.
CommitterUsername string
Gets or sets the committer username.
Created Nullable<DateTime>
Gets or sets the created time.
Finished Nullable<DateTime>
Gets or sets the finish time.
Jobs List<AppVeyorJob>
Gets or sets the jobs.
Message string
Gets or sets the message.
Messages List<string>
Gets or sets the messages.
Started Nullable<DateTime>
Gets or sets the start time.
Status string
Gets or sets the status.
Updated Nullable<DateTime>
Gets or sets the updated time.
Version string
Gets or sets the version.

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
Dump<AppVeyorBuild>() string
Get a basic string representation of specified object.
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
IsIn<AppVeyorBuild>(AppVeyorBuild[]) bool
Checks if the source is contained in a list
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
NotNull<AppVeyorBuild>(string) void
Throws an exception if the specified parameter's value is null.
Requires the Cake.Ftp addin
NotNull<AppVeyorBuild>(string) void
Throws an exception if the specified parameter's value is null.
Requires the Cake.Issues addin
ThrowIfNull<AppVeyorBuild>(string, string) T
Throws a System.ArgumentNullException with a specific message if the value is null, otherwise returns the value
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
ThrowIfNull<AppVeyorBuild>(string) T
Throws a System.ArgumentNullException if the value is null, otherwise returns the value
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
ToDictionary() IDictionary<string, object>
Requires the Cake.DeployParams addin
ToStringWithNullMarkup() string
Returns the string value or a Not set> markup suitable for Spectre.Console.
Requires the Cake.Issues addin