Cake.Powershell.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
ArrayArgument Represents a comma separated array of arguments.
HashTableArgument Represents a hashtable argument.
KeyValueArgument Represents a named argument and its value.
NamedArgument Represents a named argument and its value.
PowershellAliases Contains Cake aliases for running Powershell commands.
PowershellRunner Responsible for executing powershell scripts.
PowershellSettings The settings used when running powershell processes.
PowershellSettingsExtensions Contains extension methods for PowershellSettings.
ProcessArgumentListExtensions Contains extension methods for ProcessArgumentBuilder.
PwshScriptRunner Runs Pwsh scripts on the command line
SecureExtensions Extensions methods for creating secure strings
StringLiteralArgument Represents a string-literal argument. Specifically, '$' chars will not be evaulated as variables, nor will '()' pairs as expressions.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IPowershellRunner Responsible for executing powershell scripts.