Cake.Sprinkles.Module.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
SprinklesDescriptionModule The SprinklesDescriptionModule, a module add-in to Cake Frosting, which allows you to sprinkle in Task Arguments to describe to the user how to use your console application
TaskArgument A means of obtaining the Task Argument Value from the CLI arguments, the cake.config file, and the environment variables.
TaskArgumentConverterAttribute Allows you to Specify which TaskArgumentTypeConverter can be used on a particular Task Argument.
TaskArgumentDescriptionAttribute Allows you to describe an argument to a user of your console application.
TaskArgumentEnumerationDelimiterAttribute Allows you to define a delimiter so that a string with this delimiter will be split into a list of values.
TaskArgumentExampleValueAttribute Allows you to describe how to use a task argument through an example value. You can use multiple of these attributes.
TaskArgumentIsFlagAttribute Allows you to describe that the Task Argument accepts a flag, and converts it into true or false.
TaskArgumentIsRequiredAttribute Allows you to describe that a Task Argument is required.
TaskArgumentNameAttribute Allows you to define a Task Argument by describing the name that a user should include a value for.
TaskArgumentsAttribute Allows you to offload the TaskArgument parsing to a child class, so that you can share arguments between tasks.
TaskArgumentTypeConverter<TType> The abstract TaskArgumentTypeConverter<TType>, assists in building a ITaskArgumentTypeConverter.
TaskArgumentValidationAttribute Allows you to create your own validation for incoming Task Arguments.
TypeConverterDependencyInjectionExtensions Extension methods for assisting in Adding TypeConverters to the CakeHost.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
ITaskArgumentTypeConverter An interface that allows you to identify custom ways to convert your Task Argument String(s) into a new value.