Cake.AppCenter.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
AppCenterAliases Contains functionality for working with appcenter commands.
AppCenterAnalyticsAppVersionsSettings Settings for appcenter analytics app-versions. Shows versions of the application.
AppCenterAnalyticsAudienceSettings Settings for appcenter analytics audience. Show audience statistics.
AppCenterAnalyticsEventsDeleteSettings Settings for appcenter analytics events delete. Delete event.
AppCenterAnalyticsEventsShowSettings Settings for appcenter analytics events show. Show statistics for events.
AppCenterAnalyticsLogFlowSettings Settings for appcenter analytics log-flow. Command to see the incoming logs in real time.
AppCenterAnalyticsSessionsSettings Settings for appcenter analytics sessions. Show statistics for sessions.
AppCenterAppsCreateSettings Settings for appcenter apps create. Create a new app.
AppCenterAppsDeleteSettings Settings for appcenter apps delete. Delete an app.
AppCenterAppsGetCurrentSettings Settings for appcenter apps get-current. Get the application that's set as default for all CLI commands.
AppCenterAppsListSettings Settings for appcenter apps list. Get list of configured applications.
AppCenterAppsSetCurrentSettings Settings for appcenter apps set-current. Set default application for all CLI commands. Not compatible when authenticating with '--token' or an environment variable. Use environment variable 'MOBILE_CENTER_CURRENT_APP' to set the default app instead..
AppCenterAppsShowSettings Settings for appcenter apps show. Get the details of an app.
AppCenterAppsUpdateSettings Settings for appcenter apps update. Update an app.
AppCenterBuildBranchesListSettings Settings for appcenter build branches list. Show list of branches.
AppCenterBuildBranchesShowSettings Settings for appcenter build branches show. Show branch build status.
AppCenterBuildDownloadSettings Settings for appcenter build download. Download the binary, logs or symbols for a completed build.
AppCenterBuildLogsSettings Settings for appcenter build logs. Displays log for build.
AppCenterBuildQueueSettings Settings for appcenter build queue. Queue a new build.
AppCenterCodepushDeploymentAddSettings Settings for appcenter codepush deployment add. Add a new deployment to an app.
AppCenterCodepushDeploymentClearSettings Settings for appcenter codepush deployment clear. Clear the release history associated with a deployment.
AppCenterCodepushDeploymentHistorySettings Settings for appcenter codepush deployment history. Display the release history for a CodePush deployment.
AppCenterCodepushDeploymentListSettings Settings for appcenter codepush deployment list. List the deployments associated with an app.
AppCenterCodepushDeploymentRemoveSettings Settings for appcenter codepush deployment remove. Remove CodePush deployment.
AppCenterCodepushDeploymentRenameSettings Settings for appcenter codepush deployment rename. Rename CodePush deployment.
AppCenterCodepushPatchSettings Settings for appcenter codepush patch. Update the metadata for an existing CodePush release.
AppCenterCodepushPromoteSettings Settings for appcenter codepush promote. Create a new release for the destination deployment, which includes the exact code and metadata from the latest release of the source deployment.
AppCenterCodepushReleaseCordovaSettings Settings for appcenter codepush release-cordova. Release a Cordova update to an app deployment.
AppCenterCodepushReleaseElectronSettings Settings for appcenter codepush release-electron. Release an Electron update to a deployment.
AppCenterCodepushReleaseReactSettings Settings for appcenter codepush release-react. Release a React Native update to an app deployment.
AppCenterCodepushReleaseSettings Settings for appcenter codepush release. Release an update to an app deployment.
AppCenterCodepushRollbackSettings Settings for appcenter codepush rollback. Rollback a deployment to a previous release.
AppCenterCrashesUploadMappingsSettings Settings for appcenter crashes upload-mappings. Upload the Android mappings for the application.
AppCenterCrashesUploadMissingSymbolsSettings Settings for appcenter crashes upload-missing-symbols. Upload missing crash symbols for the application (only from macOS).
AppCenterCrashesUploadSymbolsSettings Settings for appcenter crashes upload-symbols. Upload the crash symbols for the application.
AppCenterDistributeGroupsCreateSettings Settings for appcenter distribute groups create. Create new distribution group.
AppCenterDistributeGroupsDeleteSettings Settings for appcenter distribute groups delete. Deletes the distribution group.
AppCenterDistributeGroupsDownloadSettings Settings for appcenter distribute groups download. Download release package for the distribution group.
AppCenterDistributeGroupsListSettings Settings for appcenter distribute groups list. Lists all distribution groups of the app.
AppCenterDistributeGroupsPublishSettings Settings for appcenter distribute groups publish. Publish an app file to a group.
AppCenterDistributeGroupsShowSettings Settings for appcenter distribute groups show. Shows information about the distribution group.
AppCenterDistributeGroupsUpdateSettings Settings for appcenter distribute groups update. Update existing distribution group.
AppCenterDistributeReleasesAddDestinationSettings Settings for appcenter distribute releases add-destination. Distribute an existing release to an additional destination.
AppCenterDistributeReleasesDeleteSettings Settings for appcenter distribute releases delete. Deletes the release.
AppCenterDistributeReleasesEditNotesSettings Settings for appcenter distribute releases edit-notes. Update release notes.
AppCenterDistributeReleasesEditSettings Settings for appcenter distribute releases edit. Toggles enabling and disabling the specified release.
AppCenterDistributeReleaseSettings Settings for appcenter distribute release. Upload release binary and trigger distribution, at least one of --store or --group must be specified.
AppCenterDistributeReleasesListSettings Settings for appcenter distribute releases list. Shows the list of all releases for the application.
AppCenterDistributeReleasesShowSettings Settings for appcenter distribute releases show. Shows full details about release.
AppCenterDistributeStoresListSettings Settings for appcenter distribute stores list. Lists all stores of the app.
AppCenterDistributeStoresPublishSettings Settings for appcenter distribute stores publish. Publish an app file to a store.
AppCenterLoginSettings Settings for appcenter login. Log in.
AppCenterLogoutSettings Settings for appcenter logout. Log out.
AppCenterOrgsAppsCreateSettings Settings for appcenter orgs apps create. Create a new app in an organization.
AppCenterOrgsAppsListSettings Settings for appcenter orgs apps list. Lists applications of organization.
AppCenterOrgsCollaboratorsListSettings Settings for appcenter orgs collaborators list. Lists collaborators of organization.
AppCenterOrgsCollaboratorsUpdateSettings Settings for appcenter orgs collaborators update. Update list of organization collaborators.
AppCenterOrgsCreateSettings Settings for appcenter orgs create. Create a new organization.
AppCenterOrgsListSettings Settings for appcenter orgs list. Lists organizations in which current user is collaborator.
AppCenterOrgsShowSettings Settings for appcenter orgs show. Show information about organization.
AppCenterOrgsUpdateSettings Settings for appcenter orgs update. Update organization information.
AppCenterProfileListSettings Settings for appcenter profile list. Get information about logged in user.
AppCenterProfileUpdateSettings Settings for appcenter profile update. Update user information.
AppCenterSetupAutocompleteSettings Settings for appcenter setup-autocomplete. Setup tab completion for your shell.
AppCenterTelemetryOffSettings Settings for appcenter telemetry off. Turn off the sending of telemetry.
AppCenterTelemetryOnSettings Settings for appcenter telemetry on. Turn on the sending of telemetry.
AppCenterTestDownloadSettings Settings for appcenter test download. Download the report artifacts, unpack and merge them. This command is only available for UITest and Appium test runs..
AppCenterTestGenerateAppiumSettings Settings for appcenter test generate appium. Generates an Appium project.
AppCenterTestGenerateUitestSettings Settings for appcenter test generate uitest. Generates a Xamarin.UITest project.
AppCenterTestPrepareAppiumSettings Settings for appcenter test prepare appium. Creates an artifacts directory with Appium tests..
AppCenterTestPrepareCalabashSettings Settings for appcenter test prepare calabash. Creates an artifacts directory with Calabash tests..
AppCenterTestPrepareEspressoSettings Settings for appcenter test prepare espresso. Creates an artifacts directory with Espresso tests..
AppCenterTestPrepareUitestSettings Settings for appcenter test prepare uitest. Creates an artifacts directory with Xamarin UI Tests..
AppCenterTestPrepareXcuitestSettings Settings for appcenter test prepare xcuitest. Creates an artifacts directory with XCUITest tests..
AppCenterTestRunAppiumSettings Settings for appcenter test run appium. Starts a test run with Appium tests..
AppCenterTestRunCalabashSettings Settings for appcenter test run calabash. Starts a test run with Calabash tests..
AppCenterTestRunEspressoSettings Settings for appcenter test run espresso. Starts a test run with Espresso tests..
AppCenterTestRunManifestSettings Settings for appcenter test run manifest. Starts a test run with previously prepared artifacts..
AppCenterTestRunUitestSettings Settings for appcenter test run uitest. Starts a test run with Xamarin UI Tests..
AppCenterTestRunXcuitestSettings Settings for appcenter test run xcuitest. Starts a test run with XCUITest tests..
AppCenterTestStatusSettings Settings for appcenter test status. Checks the status of the started test run..
AppCenterTestStopSettings Settings for appcenter test stop. Stop the started test run..
AppCenterTestWizardSettings Settings for appcenter test wizard. Start a test run interactively. All the parameters will be prompted on-the-go..
AppCenterTokensCreateSettings Settings for appcenter tokens create. Create a new API token.
AppCenterTokensDeleteSettings Settings for appcenter tokens delete. Delete an API token.
AppCenterTokensListSettings Settings for appcenter tokens list. Get a list of API tokens.
AppCenterTool<TSettings> Base class for all appcenter related tools.
ArgumentsBuilderExtension Arguments builder
AutoToolSettings Base class for tooling that is used for autogeneration of command line arguments.
EmptySettings Using when there are no settings