Cake.NSwag.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
AssemblySource Represents a .NET assembly (conventional or Web API) to gather API metadata from.
CSharpGeneratorSettings Settings to further control the C# generation process
CSharpGeneratorSettingsExtensions Fluent extension methods for the CSharpGeneratorSettings class.
GenerationSource Base class for metadata sources
GeneratorSettings Base class for other generator settings objects to derive from
JsonSchemaSource Represents a JSON Schema to gather metadata from
NSwagAliases Alias to access the code generation functionality from the NSwag toolchain
NSwagRunner Exposes API metadata operations for generating specifications and client code.
SwaggerGeneratorSettings Settings to control the creation of Swagger (Open API) specifications
SwaggerGeneratorSettingsExtensions Fluent extensions methods for the SwaggerGeneratorSettings class
SwaggerSource Represents a Swagger (Open API) specification to gather metadata from
TypeScriptGeneratorSettings Settings to further control the generation of TypeScript code
TypeScriptGeneratorSettingsExtensions Fluent extension methods for the the TypeScriptGeneratorSettings class