Cake.Pnpm.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
AuditLevelSeverity `pnpm audit` severity level
OutputReportingType Details the pnpm report output type
PackageImportMethodType Define the packages copy method. By default depends on filesystem
PnpmAdd Installs a package and any packages that it depends on.
PnpmAddAliases Pnpm Install aliases
PnpmAddSettings Contains settings used by PnpmAdd.
PnpmAudit Checks for known security issues with the installed packages. Visit for documentation about this command.
PnpmAuditAliases `pnpm audit` aliases
PnpmAuditSettings Contains settings used by PnpmAudit.
PnpmExec Run a shell command in the context of a project. Visit for documentation about this command.
PnpmExecAliases `pnpm exec` aliases
PnpmExecSettings Contains settings used by PnpmExec.
PnpmImport Generates pnpm-lock.yaml from an npm package-lock.json (or npm-shrinkwrap.json, yarn.lock) file. Visit for documentation about this command.
PnpmImportAliases Pnpm Import aliases
PnpmImportSettings Contains settings used by PnpmImport.
PnpmInstallAliases Pnpm Install aliases
PnpmInstaller Installs all dependencies of the project in the current working directory. When executed inside a workspace, installs all dependencies of all projects.
PnpmInstallSettings Contains settings used by PnpmInstaller.
PnpmLicenses Check the licenses of the installed packages. Visit for documentation about this command.
PnpmLicensesAliases `pnpm licenses` aliases
PnpmLicensesSettings Contains settings used by PnpmLicenses.
PnpmLink Connect the local project to another one Visit for documentation about this command.
PnpmLinkAliases `pnpm link` aliases
PnpmLinkSettings Contains settings used by PnpmLink.
PnpmList When run as ll or la, it shows extended information by default. All dependencies are printed by default. Search by patterns is supported. For example: pnpm ls babel-* eslint-* Visit for documentation about this command.
PnpmListAliases `pnpm list` aliases
PnpmListSettings Contains settings used by PnpmList.
PnpmLogLevel Details the pnpm log levels
PnpmOutdated Check for outdated packages. The check can be limited to a subset of the installed packages by providing arguments (patterns are supported). Visit for documentation about this command.
PnpmOutdatedAliases `pnpm outdated` aliases
PnpmOutdatedSettings Contains settings used by PnpmOutdated.
PnpmPrune Removes extraneous packages Visit for documentation about this command.
PnpmPruneAliases `pnpm prune` aliases
PnpmPruneSettings Contains settings used by PnpmPrune.
PnpmRebuild Rebuild a package. Visit for documentation about this command.
PnpmRebuildAliases `pnpm rebuild` aliases
PnpmRebuildSettings Contains settings used by PnpmRebuild.
PnpmRemove Removes packages from `node_modules` and from the project's `package.json`. Visit for documentation about this command.
PnpmRemoveAliases Pnpm Remove aliases
PnpmRemoveSettings Contains settings used by PnpmAdd.
PnpmRun Runs a defined package script. Visit for documentation about this command.
PnpmRunAliases `pnpm run` aliases
PnpmRunSettings Contains settings used by PnpmRun.
PnpmSettings Pnpm tool settings.
PnpmStore Reads and performs actions on pnpm store that is on the current filesystem. Visit for documentation about this command.
PnpmStoreAliases `pnpm store` aliases
PnpmStoreSettings Contains settings used by PnpmStore.
PnpmTool<TSettings> Base class for all pnpm tools.
PnpmUnlink Removes the link created by `pnpm link` and reinstalls package if it is saved in `package.json` Visit for documentation about this command.
PnpmUnlinkAliases `pnpm link` aliases
PnpmUnlinkSettings Contains settings used by PnpmUnlink.
PnpmUpdate Updates packages to their latest version based on the specified range. You can use "*" in package name to update all packages with the same pattern.
PnpmUpdateAliases Pnpm Install aliases
PnpmUpdateSettings Contains settings used by PnpmUpdate.