Cake.Kudu.Client.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
KuduClientAliases Contains functionality related to remotely communicating with Azure App Services Kudu engine.
KuduClientCommandExtensions Extends IKuduClient with remote CLI command execution methods.
KuduClientSettings Represents client settings used by Kudu client.
KuduClientSettingsExtensions Extends IKuduClient with remote app service settings methods.
KuduClientVFSExtensions Extends IKuduClient with virtual file system methods.
KuduClientZipExtensions Extends IKuduClient with remote zip methods.
KuduCommandResult Result of Kudu command execution.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IKuduClient Represents a client that talks to Kudu rest API.
IKuduCommandResult Result of Kudu command execution.
IKuduDirectoryPath Represents a remote directory path for IKuduVFS.
IKuduFilePath Represents a remote file path for IKuduVFS.
IKuduPath Represents a remote path for IKuduVFS.
IKuduVFS Repreesents a remote Kudu directory.