Cake.Svn.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
SvnAdder Class for adding files or directories to Subversion directory trees.
SvnAddSettings Settings for SvnAdder.
SvnAliases Contains functionality for working with Subversion.
SvnCheckouter Class for checking out from an svn repository
SvnCheckoutResult The result of an svn checkout
SvnCheckoutSettings Settings for SvnCheckouter.
SvnCleaner Performs an SVN cleanup on the working directory. SVN Cleanup removes all working copy locks left behind by crashed clients.
SvnCleanUpSettings Settings used for SvnCleaner
SvnCredentials Credentials for authentication with Subversion server.
SvnDeleter Class for deleting files or directories from Subversion directory trees.
SvnDeleteSettings Settings for SvnDeleter.
SvnDepth Tree depth to which Subversion can limit its scope for specific operations.
SvnExporter Class for exporting Subversion directory trees.
SvnExportResult Result for SvnExporter.
SvnExportSettings Settings for SvnExporter.
SvnInfo Class for retrieving information about a Subversion controlled file or directory.
SvnInfoResult Result for SvnInfo.
SvnInfoSettings Settings for SvnInfo.
SvnKind The kind of the Subversion Node.
SvnLineStyle Line style to use in Subversion files.
SvnRemoteSettings Base setting class for operations accessing a remote subversion repository.
SvnSettings Base class for all settings.
SvnStatus Status of Subversion files.
SvnStatusResult Result for SvnStatusTool.
SvnStatusSettings Settings for SvnStatusTool
SvnStatusTool Class for getting file and directory status for Subversion directory trees.
SvnTool<TSettings> Base class for all Subversion operations.
SvnUpdater Class for updating a checked out svn repository.
SvnUpdateResult The result of an svn checkout.
SvnUpdateSettings Settings for SvnUpdater.
SvnVacuum Performs an SVN vacuum on the working copy. This deletes all ignored or unversioned files from the working copy.
SvnVacuumSettings Settings for SvnVacuum

Interface Types

Interface Summary
ISvnClient Interface for a Subversion client.