Cake.CodeQL.Cli.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
CodeLanguage Coding Language(s) to scan
CodeQLAliases CodeQL Cli aliases
CodeQLAnalyzeDatabaseTool Tool for analyzing CodeQL Databases that can be use for vunerability scanning
CodeQLAnalyzeDatabaseToolSettings Tool for creating CodeQL databases
CodeQLCreateDatabaseTool Tool for create CodeQL Databases that can be use for vunerability scanning
CodeQLCreateDatabaseToolSettings Tool for creating CodeQL databases
CodeQLInstallTool Tool for downloading and installing CodeQL
CodeQLInstallToolSettings Tool for installing CodeQL on the host machine
CodeQLReportInstallTool Tool for downloading and installing CodeQL Github Security Report cli
CodeQLReportInstallToolSettings Tool for installing CodeQL Github Security Report cli on the host machine
CodeQLSecurityReportToolSettings Tool for generating report
CodeQLTool<TSettings> Base class for all CodeQL Scanning tools.
CodeQLToolSettings Base class for all CodeQL cli tools.
CodeQLUploadResultsTool Tool for uploading CodeQL Sarif result(s) to github
CodeQLUploadResultsToolSettings Tool for uploading results to GitHub
GitHubAppInstallationTokenTool Tool used to create an installation token for a GitHub App
GitHubAppInstallationTokenToolSettings Settings needed to generate a GItHub App Installation Token. Used to get an installation token
GitHubAuthenticationAliases GitHub Authentication Aliases. Used mostly to get Jwt or Installation Tokens for GitHubs that need to make API Calls