Cake.Npm addin
This content is part of a third party extension that is not supported by the Cake project.
For more information about this extension see Cake.Npm.
Npm BumpVersion aliases. Use this if you want to use 'npm version' to bump the version. Use this to bump the version of the current package. For other functions of npm version, see:
NpmAddUser Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Adds user using the settings returned by a configurator. |
NpmAddUser Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Adds user using the specified settings. |
NpmBumpVersion Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Bump the version of the package using the settings returned by a configurator. |
NpmBumpVersion Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Bump the version of the package using the specified settings. |
NpmBumpVersion Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Bump the version of the package. |
NpmCi Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Cis packages using the settings returned by a configurator. |
NpmCi Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Cis packages using the specified settings. |
NpmCi Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Cis all packages for the project in the current working directory. |
NpmInstall Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Installs packages using the settings returned by a configurator. |
NpmInstall Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Installs packages using the specified settings. |
NpmInstall Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Install one or more packages to the project in the current working directory. |
NpmInstall Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Installs packages for the project in the current working directory. |
NpmPack Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Creates a npm package using the settings returned by a configurator. |
NpmPack Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Creates a npm package using the specified settings. Package will be created in the current working directory. |
NpmPack Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Creates a npm package from a specific source. Package will be created in the current working directory. |
NpmPack Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Creates a npm package from the current working directory. Package will be created in the current working directory. |
NpmPrune Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Runs npm prune using the settings returned by a configurator. |
NpmPrune Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Runs npm prune with the specified settings. |
NpmPrune Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Runs npm prune from the current folder. |
NpmPublish Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Publishes a npm package using the settings returned by a configurator. |
NpmPublish Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Publishes a npm package based on the specified settings. |
NpmPublish Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Publishes the npm package created from a specific source. |
NpmPublish Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Publishes the npm package in the current working directory. |
NpmRebuild Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Rebuild packages using the settings returned by a configurator. |
NpmRebuild Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Rebuilds packages using the specified settings. |
NpmRebuild Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Rebuild one or more packages to the project in the current working directory. |
NpmRebuild Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Rebuilds packages for the project in the current working directory. |
NpmRunScript Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Runs a npm script with the specified settings. |
NpmRunScript Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Runs a npm script using the settings returned by a configurator. |
NpmRunScript Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Runs a npm script defined in the package.json from the current folder with specific arguments. |
NpmRunScript Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Runs a npm script defined in the package.json from the current folder. |
NpmSet Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Sets an npm configuration setting returned by a configurator. |
NpmSet Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Sets an npm configuration setting. |
NpmSet Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Sets an npm configuration setting. |
NpmUpdate Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Updates all packages for the project using the settings returned by a configurator. |
NpmUpdate Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Updates all packages for the project using the specified settings. |
NpmUpdate Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Updates all packages for the project in the current working directory. |
NpmVersion Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Versions all packages for the project in the current working directory using the settings returned by a configurator. |
NpmVersion Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Versions all packages for the project in the current working directory using the specified settings. |
NpmVersion Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
Versions all packages for the project in the current working directory. |
NpmViewVersion Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
View the version of a package using the settings returned by a configurator. |
NpmViewVersion Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
View the version of a package using the specified settings. |
NpmViewVersion Alias from Cake.Npm addin |
View the version of a package. |