Cake.Git addin
This content is part of a third party extension that is not supported by the Cake project.
For more information about this extension see Cake.Git.
Contains functionality for working with GIT using LibGit2 & LibGit2Sharp. NOTE: The addin currently only runs on x64 processors. ARM processors are not supported.
GitAdd Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Add file to index. |
GitAddAll Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Add all file changes to index. |
GitCreateBranch Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Creates a local Branch. |
GitBranchCurrent Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Gets the current branch. |
GitBranches Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Gets a list of all branches from the repository. |
GitCheckout Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Checkout file. |
GitCheckout Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Checkout file(s) using supplied commit or branch spec. |
GitClean Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Remove untracked file(s) workspace. |
GitClone Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Clone unauthenticated using specific settings. |
GitClone Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Clone authenticated using specific settings. |
GitClone Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Clone authenticated using default options. |
GitClone Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Clone unauthenticated using default options. |
GitCommit Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Commit using default options. |
GitConfigExists Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Returns whether a configuration value exists with the specifed key. |
GitConfigGet Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Gets the specified configuration value. If the specified value is not found it will return the specified default value. |
GitConfigGet Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Gets the specified configuration value. |
GitConfigSetLocal Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Gets the specified configuration value. If the specified value is not found it will return the specified default value. |
GitConfigUnsetLocal Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Unsets the specified local configuration key. |
GitDescribe Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Describe current branch. |
GitDescribe Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Describe current branch. |
GitDescribe Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Describe current branch. |
GitDescribe Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Describe specified commit-ish. |
GitDescribe Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Describe current branch. |
GitDiff Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Get changed files from certain commit id up to current. |
GitDiff Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Get changed files from certain commit id up to current. |
GitDiff Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Get changed files from inital commit id up to current. |
GitFetch Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Download from another repository. |
GitFetch Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Download objects and refs from another repository. |
GitFetchTags Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Download tags from another repository. |
GitInit Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Init using default options. |
GitLog Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Get commit log. |
GitLog Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Get commit from certain commit id up to current. |
GitLogLookup Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Get specific commit. |
GitLogTag Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Get commits after a certain tag |
GitLogTip Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Get last commit |
GitPull Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Pull authenticating using default options. |
GitPull Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Pull unauthenticated using default options. |
GitPush Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Push specific branch authenticated. |
GitPush Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Push all branches authenticated. |
GitPush Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Push all branches unauthenticated. |
GitPushRef Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Push a tag to a remote authenticated. |
GitPushRef Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Push a tag to a remote unauthenticated. |
GitRemote Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Gets the specified remote from a Git repository. |
GitRemotes Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Gets a Git repository's remotes. |
GitRemove Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Remove file(s) from index. |
GitFindRootFromPath Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Finding git root path from subtree. |
GitHasStagedChanges Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Checks if a repository contains staged changes. |
Git Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Checks if a repository contains uncommited changes. |
GitHasUntrackedFiles Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Checks if a repository contains untracked files. |
GitIsValidRepository Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Checks if a specific directory is a valid Git repository. |
GitReset Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Sets the current branch head (HEAD) to a specified commit, optionally modifying index and working tree to match. |
GitReset Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Resets the current branch head (HEAD) optionally modifying index and working tree to match. |
GitShortenSha Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Get the short version of a commit SHA. |
GitTag Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Applys tagName to repository as annotated tag. |
GitTag Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Applys tagName to repository as annotated tag. |
GitTag Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Applys tagName to repository. |
GitTag Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Applys tagName to repository. |
GitTags Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Gets a list of all tags from the repository with the option to load targets of the tags. |
GitTags Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Gets a list of all tags from the repository. |
GitUnstage Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Removes from the staging area all the modifications of a collection of file since the latest commit (addition, updation or removal). |
GitUnstageAll Alias from Cake.Git addin |
Removes from the staging area all the modifications all files the latest commit (addition, updation or removal). |
Cake.GitPackager addin
This content is part of a third party extension that is not supported by the Cake project.
For more information about this extension see Cake.GitPackager.