Environment aliases


Contains functionality related to the environment.

Environment Variables

EnvironmentVariable(string) Retrieves the value of the environment variable or null if the environment variable does not exist.
EnvironmentVariable<T>(string, T) Retrieves the value of the environment variable or defaultValue if the environment variable does not exist.
EnvironmentVariables() Retrieves all environment variables.
HasEnvironmentVariable(string) Checks for the existence of a value for a given environment variable.


IsRunningOnFreeBSD() Determines whether the build script running on a FreeBSD based system.
IsRunningOnLinux() Determines whether the build script running on a Linux based system.
IsRunningOnMacOs() Determines whether the build script running on a macOS based system.
IsRunningOnUnix() Determines whether the build script running on a Unix or Linux based system.
IsRunningOnWindows() Determines whether the build script is running on Windows.