Arguments aliases


Contains functionality related to arguments.


Argument<T>(string, T) Gets an argument and returns the provided defaultValue if the argument is missing.
Argument<T>(string) Gets an argument and throws if the argument is missing.
Arguments() Retrieves all command line arguments.
Arguments<T>(string, Func<ICakeContext, ICollection<T>>) Gets all arguments with the specific name, evaluates and returns the provided defaultValues if the argument is missing.
Arguments<T>(string, ICollection<T>) Gets all arguments with the specific name and returns the provided defaultValues if the argument is missing.
Arguments<T>(string, T) Gets all arguments with the specific name and returns the provided defaultValue if the argument is missing.
Arguments<T>(string) Gets all arguments with the specific name and throws if the argument is missing.
HasArgument(string) Determines whether or not the specified argument exist.