Contains functionality related to build systems.
AppVeyor |
Gets a AppVeyorProvider instance that can
be used to manipulate the AppVeyor environment.
AzurePipelines |
Gets a AzurePipelinesProvider instance that can be used to
obtain information from the Azure Pipelines environment.
Bamboo |
Gets a BambooProvider instance that can
be used to manipulate the Bamboo environment.
BitbucketPipelines |
Gets a BitbucketPipelinesProvider instance that can be used to
obtain information from the Bitbucket Pipelines environment.
Bitrise |
Gets a BitriseProvider instance that can be used to
obtain information from the Bitrise environment.
BuildSystem |
Gets a BuildSystem instance that can
be used to query for information about the current build system.
ContinuaCI |
Gets a ContinuaCIProvider instance that can
be used to manipulate the Continua CI environment.
GitHubActions |
Gets a GitHubActionsProvider instance that can be used to
obtain information from the GitHub Actions environment.
GitLabCI |
Gets a GitLabCIProvider instance that can be used to
obtain information from the GitLab CI environment.
GoCD |
Gets a GoCDProvider instance that can be used to
obtain information from the Go.CD environment.
Jenkins |
Gets a JenkinsProvider instance that can be used to
obtain information from the Jenkins environment.
MyGet |
Gets a MyGetProvider instance that can
be used to manipulate the MyGet environment.
TeamCity |
Gets a TeamCityProvider instance that can
be used to manipulate the TeamCity environment.
TravisCI |
Gets a TravisCIProvider instance that can be used to
obtain information from the Travis CI environment.