Cake.Issues addin
Contains functionality related to reading and creating issues.
Build Breaking
BreakBuildOnIssues Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Fails build if any issues are found. |
BreakBuildOnIssues Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Fails build if any issues are found with settings to limit to priority and issue provider types. |
BreakBuildOnIssues Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Fails build if any issues are found with settings to limit to priority and issue provider types. |
BreakBuildOnIssues Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Fails build if any issues are found matching a specific predicate. |
BreakBuildOnIssues Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Fails build if any issues are found matching a specific predicate. |
BreakBuildOnIssues Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Fails build if any issues of certain minimum priority are found. |
BreakBuildOnIssues Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Fails build if any issues of certain minimum priority are found. |
BreakBuildOnIssues Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Fails build if any issues from a specific issue provider are found. |
BreakBuildOnIssues Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Fails build if any issues from a specific issue provider are found. |
BreakBuildOnIssues Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Fails build if any issues are found. |
Creating Issues
NewIssue Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Initiates the creation of a new IIssue .
NewIssue Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Initiates the creation of a new IIssue with message as identifier.
File Linking
Issue Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Gets an instance of the file link settings for linking to files based on a custom action. |
Issue Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Gets an instance of the file link settings for linking to files based on a custom pattern. |
Issue Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Gets an instance of the file link settings for linking to files hosted in Azure DevOps in a sub-folder on a specific branch. |
Issue Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Gets an instance of the file link settings for linking to files hosted in Azure DevOps on a specific branch. |
Issue Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Gets an instance of the file link settings for linking to files hosted in Azure DevOps in a sub-folder for a specific commit. |
Issue Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Gets an instance of the file link settings for linking to files hosted in Azure DevOps for a specific commit. |
Issue Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Gets an instance of the file link settings for linking files hosted on GitHub in a sub-folder on a specific branch. |
Issue Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Gets an instance of the file link settings for linking files hosted on GitHub on a specific branch. |
Issue Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Gets an instance of the file link settings for linking files hosted on GitHub in a sub-folder for a specific commit. |
Issue Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Gets an instance of the file link settings for linking files hosted on GitHub fo a specific commit. |
Issue Serialization
Deserialize Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Deserializes an Issue from a JSON file.
Deserialize Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Deserializes an Issue from a JSON string.
Deserialize Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Deserializes an IEnumerable<T> from a JSON file.
Deserialize Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Deserializes an IEnumerable<T> from a JSON string.
Serialize Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Serializes an IEnumerable<T> to a JSON file.
Serialize Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Serializes an IEnumerable<T> to a JSON string.
Serialize Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Serializes an IIssue to a JSON file.
Serialize Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Serializes an IIssue to a JSON string.
Reading Issues
ReadIssues Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Reads issues from issue providers. |
ReadIssues Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Reads issues from issue providers using the specified settings. |
ReadIssues Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Reads issues from a single issue provider. |
ReadIssues Alias from Cake.Issues addin |
Reads issues from a single issue provider using the specified settings. |
Cake.Issues.DocFx addin
Contains functionality related to read warnings from DocFx log files.
Issue Providers
DocFxIssues Alias from Cake.Issues.DocFx addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for warnings reported by DocFx using specified settings. |
Doc Alias from Cake.Issues.DocFx addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for warnings reported by DocFx using log file content. |
Doc Alias from Cake.Issues.DocFx addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for warnings reported by DocFx using log file content for a DocFx project in the repository root. |
Doc Alias from Cake.Issues.DocFx addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for warnings reported by DocFx using a log file from disk. |
Doc Alias from Cake.Issues.DocFx addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for warnings reported by DocFx using a log file from disk for a DocFx project in the repository root. |
Doc Alias from Cake.Issues.DocFx addin |
Gets the name of the DocFx issue provider.
This name can be used to identify issues based on the ProviderType property.
Cake.Issues.DupFinder addin
Contains functionality for reading issues from JetBrains dupFinder log files.
Issue Providers
DupFinderIssues Alias from Cake.Issues.DupFinder addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for issues reported by JetBrains dupFinder using specified settings. |
Dup Alias from Cake.Issues.DupFinder addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for issues reported by JetBrains dupFinder using log file content. |
Dup Alias from Cake.Issues.DupFinder addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for issues reported by JetBrains dupFinder using a log file from disk. |
Dup Alias from Cake.Issues.DupFinder addin |
Gets the name of the dupFinder issue provider.
This name can be used to identify issues based on the ProviderType property.
Cake.Issues.EsLint addin
Contains functionality for reading issues reported by ESLint.
Issue Providers
Es Alias from Cake.Issues.EsLint addin |
Registers a new URL resolver with a specific priority. |
Es Alias from Cake.Issues.EsLint addin |
Registers a new URL resolver with default priority of 0. |
EsLintIssues Alias from Cake.Issues.EsLint addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for issues reported by ESLint using specified settings. |
Es Alias from Cake.Issues.EsLint addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for issues reported by ESLint using log file content. |
Es Alias from Cake.Issues.EsLint addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for issues reported by ESLint using a log file from disk. |
Es Alias from Cake.Issues.EsLint addin |
Gets the name of the ESLint issue provider.
This name can be used to identify issues based on the ProviderType property.
Alias from Cake.Issues.EsLint addin |
Gets an instance for the ESLint JSON log format as written by the JSON formatter. |
Cake.Issues.GitRepository addin
Contains functionality related to analyze Git repositories.
Issue Providers
GitRepositoryIssues Alias from Cake.Issues.GitRepository addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for analyzing a Git repository and reporting issues using specified settings. |
Git Alias from Cake.Issues.GitRepository addin |
Gets the name of the Git repository issue provider.
This name can be used to identify issues based on the ProviderType property.
Cake.Issues.InspectCode addin
Contains functionality for reading issues from JetBrains Inspect Code log files.
Issue Providers
InspectCodeIssues Alias from Cake.Issues.InspectCode addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for issues reported by JetBrains Inspect Code using specified settings. |
Inspect Alias from Cake.Issues.InspectCode addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for issues reported by JetBrains Inspect Code using log file content. |
Inspect Alias from Cake.Issues.InspectCode addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for issues reported by JetBrains Inspect Code using a log file from disk. |
Inspect Alias from Cake.Issues.InspectCode addin |
Gets the name of the Inspect Code issue provider.
This name can be used to identify issues based on the ProviderType property.
Cake.Issues.Markdownlint addin
Contains functionality for reading issues from Markdownlint log files.
Issue Providers
Markdownlint Alias from Cake.Issues.Markdownlint addin |
Registers a new URL resolver with a specific priority. |
Markdownlint Alias from Cake.Issues.Markdownlint addin |
Registers a new URL resolver with default priority of 0. |
Markdownlint Alias from Cake.Issues.Markdownlint addin |
Gets an instance for the log format as written by markdownlint-cli with --json parameter.
Markdownlint Alias from Cake.Issues.Markdownlint addin |
Gets an instance for the log format as written by markdownlint-cli. |
MarkdownlintIssues Alias from Cake.Issues.Markdownlint addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for issues reported by Markdownlint using specified settings. |
Markdownlint Alias from Cake.Issues.Markdownlint addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for issues reported by Markdownlint using log file content. |
Markdownlint Alias from Cake.Issues.Markdownlint addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for issues reported by Markdownlint using a log file from disk. |
Markdownlint Alias from Cake.Issues.Markdownlint addin |
Gets the name of the Markdownlint issue provider.
This name can be used to identify issues based on the ProviderType property.
Markdownlint Alias from Cake.Issues.Markdownlint addin |
Gets an instance for the log format as written by Markdownlint with options.resultVersion set to 1.
Cake.Issues.MsBuild addin
Contains functionality for reading warnings from MSBuild log files. NOTE: Use Cake.Issues.MsBuild addin to use these aliases with Cake Script Runners and Cake.Frosting.Issues.MsBuild to use these aliases with Cake Frosting.
Issue Providers
Ms Alias from Cake.Issues.MsBuild addin |
Registers a new URL resolver with a specific priority. |
Ms Alias from Cake.Issues.MsBuild addin |
Registers a new URL resolver with default priority of 0. |
Ms Alias from Cake.Issues.MsBuild addin |
Gets an instance for the MsBuild binary log format. |
MsBuildIssues Alias from Cake.Issues.MsBuild addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for issues reported as MsBuild warnings using specified settings. |
Ms Alias from Cake.Issues.MsBuild addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for issues reported as MsBuild warnings using log content. |
Ms Alias from Cake.Issues.MsBuild addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for issues reported as MsBuild warnings using a log file from disk. |
Ms Alias from Cake.Issues.MsBuild addin |
Gets the name of the MsBuild issue provider.
This name can be used to identify issues based on the ProviderType property.
Ms Alias from Cake.Issues.MsBuild addin |
Gets an instance for the MsBuild log format as written by the You can add the logger to the MSBuildSettings like this:
In order to use the above logger, include the following in your
Cake.Issues.PullRequests.AppVeyor addin
Contains functionality related to writing code analysis issues to AppVeyor builds.
Pull Request Systems
AppVeyorBuilds Alias from Cake.Issues.PullRequests.AppVeyor addin |
Gets an object for writing issues to AppVeyor builds using the specified settings. |
AppVeyorBuilds Alias from Cake.Issues.PullRequests.AppVeyor addin |
Gets an object for writing issues to AppVeyor builds using the default settings. |
Cake.Issues.PullRequests.AzureDevOps addin
Contains functionality related to writing code analysis issues to Azure DevOps pull requests.
Pull Request Systems
Azure Alias from Cake.Issues.PullRequests.AzureDevOps addin |
Gets an object for writing issues to Azure DevOps pull request using the specified settings. |
Azure Alias from Cake.Issues.PullRequests.AzureDevOps addin |
Gets an object for writing issues to Azure DevOps pull request where all required data is taken from the environment variables set by Azure Pipelines. |
Azure Alias from Cake.Issues.PullRequests.AzureDevOps addin |
Gets an object for writing issues to Azure DevOps pull request in a specific repository and with a specific ID. |
Azure Alias from Cake.Issues.PullRequests.AzureDevOps addin |
Gets an object for writing issues to Azure DevOps pull request in a specific repository and for a specific source branch. |
Azure Alias from Cake.Issues.PullRequests.AzureDevOps addin |
Gets an object for writing issues to Azure DevOps pull request where all required data (including authentication token) is taken from the environment variables set by Azure Pipelines. |
Cake.Issues.PullRequests addin
Contains functionality related to reporting issues to pull requests.
Reporting Issues To Pull Requests
Cake.Issues.PullRequests.GitHubActions addin
Contains functionality related to writing code analysis issues to GitHub Actions.
Pull Request Systems
GitHubActionsBuilds Alias from Cake.Issues.PullRequests.GitHubActions addin |
Gets an object for writing issues to GitHub Actions using the specified settings. |
GitHubActionsBuilds Alias from Cake.Issues.PullRequests.GitHubActions addin |
Gets an object for writing issues to GitHub Actions using the default settings. |
Cake.Issues.Reporting.Console addin
Contains functionality to report issues to the console.
Reporting Formats
Console Alias from Cake.Issues.Reporting.Console addin |
Gets an instance of the console report format using specified settings. |
Console Alias from Cake.Issues.Reporting.Console addin |
Gets an instance of the console report format using default settings. |
Cake.Issues.Reporting addin
Contains functionality related to creating issue reports.
Creating Issue Reports
Cake.Issues.Reporting.Generic addin
Contains functionality for creating issue reports in any text based format (HTML, Markdown, ...). NOTE: Use Cake.Issues.Reporting.Generic addin to use these aliases with Cake Script Runners and Cake.Frosting.Issues.Reporting.Generic to use these aliases with Cake Frosting.
Reporting Formats
Cake.Issues.Reporting.Sarif addin
Contains functionality to generate SARIF compatible files. NOTE: Use Cake.Issues.Reporting.Sarif addin to use these aliases with Cake Script Runners and Cake.Frosting.Issues.Reporting.Sarif to use these aliases with Cake Frosting.
Reporting Formats
Sarif Alias from Cake.Issues.Reporting.Sarif addin |
Gets an instance of the SARIF report format using specified settings. |
Sarif Alias from Cake.Issues.Reporting.Sarif addin |
Gets an instance of the SARIF report format using default settings. |
Cake.Issues.Sarif addin
Contains functionality for reading issues from SARIF files.
Issue Providers
SarifIssues Alias from Cake.Issues.Sarif addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for SARIF compatible files using specified settings. |
Sarif Alias from Cake.Issues.Sarif addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for SARIF compatible files using file content. |
Sarif Alias from Cake.Issues.Sarif addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for SARIF compatible files using a file from disk. |
Sarif Alias from Cake.Issues.Sarif addin |
Gets the name of the SARIF issue provider.
This name can be used to identify issues based on the ProviderType property.
Cake.Issues.Tap addin
Contains functionality for reading issues from Test Anything Protocol files.
Issue Providers
Alias from Cake.Issues.Tap addin |
Gets an instance for the log format for any file compatible with Test Anything Protocol format. |
Stylelint Alias from Cake.Issues.Tap addin |
Gets an instance for the log format for Test Anything Protocol file generated by Stylelint. |
TapIssues Alias from Cake.Issues.Tap addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for issues in a TAP compatible file using specified settings. |
TapIssuesFromContent Alias from Cake.Issues.Tap addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for issues in a TAP compatible file from memory. |
Tap Alias from Cake.Issues.Tap addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for issues in a TAP compatible file from disk. |
Tap Alias from Cake.Issues.Tap addin |
Gets the name of the TAP issue provider.
This name can be used to identify issues based on the ProviderType property.
Tap Alias from Cake.Issues.Tap addin |
Registers a new URL resolver with a specific priority. |
Tap Alias from Cake.Issues.Tap addin |
Registers a new URL resolver with default priority of 0. |
Tap Alias from Cake.Issues.Tap addin |
Registers a new URL resolver with a specific priority. |
Tap Alias from Cake.Issues.Tap addin |
Registers a new URL resolver with default priority of 0. |
Textlint Alias from Cake.Issues.Tap addin |
Gets an instance for the log format for Test Anything Protocol file generated by Textlint. |
Cake.Issues.Terraform addin
Contains functionality related to reading output from terraform validate -json
Issue Providers
TerraformIssues Alias from Cake.Issues.Terraform addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for reading output from terraform validate -json using specified settings.
Terraform Alias from Cake.Issues.Terraform addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for reading output from terraform validate -json .
Terraform Alias from Cake.Issues.Terraform addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for reading output from terraform validate -json
for Terraform scripts in the repository root.
Terraform Alias from Cake.Issues.Terraform addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for reading output from terraform validate -json from disk.
Terraform Alias from Cake.Issues.Terraform addin |
Gets an instance of a provider for reading output from terraform validate -json from disk
for Terraform scripts in the repository root.
Terraform Alias from Cake.Issues.Terraform addin |
Gets the name of the Terraform issue provider.
This name can be used to identify issues based on the ProviderType property.