Possible arguments to pass to Octo.exe for deploying a release. See Octopus Deploy documentation.
- Namespace
- Cake
.Common .Tools .OctopusDeploy - Base Types
graph BT
click Base0 "/api/Cake.Common.Tools.OctopusDeploy/OctopusDeployCommonToolSettings"
click Base1 "/api/Cake.Common.Tools.OctopusDeploy/OctopusDeployToolSettings"
click Base2 "/api/Cake.Core.Tooling/ToolSettings"
class Type type-node
public sealed class OctopusDeployReleaseDeploymentSettings : OctopusDeployCommonToolSettings
Name | Summary |
Octopus |
Initializes a new instance of the OctopusDeployReleaseDeploymentSettings class.
Name | Value | Summary |
ApiKey | string |
Gets or sets the user's API key.
Inherited from Octopus
Argument |
Func |
Gets or sets the argument customization.
Argument customization is a way that lets you add, replace or reuse arguments passed to a tool.
This allows you to support new tool arguments, customize arguments or address potential argument issues.
Inherited from ToolSettings
CancelOnTimeout | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to cancel the deployment if the deployment timeout is reached(default false).
Channel | string |
Gets or sets the channel to use when getting the release to deploy.
ConfigurationFile | FilePath |
Gets or sets the text file of default values.
Inherited from Octopus
DeployAt | DateTimeOffset? |
Gets or sets time at which deployment should start (scheduled deployment), specified as any valid DateTimeOffset format, and assuming the time zone is the current local time zone.
Deployment |
TimeSpan? |
Gets or sets how much time should elapse between deployment status checks(default 00:00:10).
DeploymentTimeout | TimeSpan? |
Gets or sets maximum time (timespan format) that the console session will wait for the deployment to finish (default 00:10:00).
This will not stop the deployment. Requires WaitForDeployment parameter set.
EnableDebugLogging | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the enable debug logging flag is set.
Inherited from Octopus
Enable |
bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the enable service messages flag is set.
Inherited from Octopus
EnvironmentVariables | IDictionary |
Gets or sets search paths for files, directories for temporary files, application-specific options, and other similar information.
Inherited from ToolSettings
ExcludeMachines | string |
Gets or sets the comma-separated list of machine names to exclude in the deployed environment.If not specified all machines in the environment will be considered.
Force | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a project is configured to skip packages with already-installed versions, override this setting to force re-deployment (flag, default false).
ForcePackageDownload | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to force downloading of already installed packages. Default false.
GuidedFailure | bool? |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use Guided Failure mode. If not specified, will use default setting from environment.
HandleExitCode | Func |
Gets or sets whether the exit code from the tool process causes an exception to be thrown.
If the delegate is null (the default) or returns false, then an exception is thrown upon a non-zero exit code. If the delegate returns true then no exception is thrown. This can be useful when the exit code should be ignored, or if there is a desire to apply logic that is conditional on the exit code value. Inherited from ToolSettings
IgnoreSslErrors | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ignore SSL errors flag is set.
Inherited from Octopus
NoRawLog | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether print the raw log of failed tasks or not.
NoWorkingDirectory | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to opt out of using
an explicit working directory for the process.
Inherited from ToolSettings
Password | string |
Gets or sets the password to use when authenticating with the server.
Inherited from Octopus
PostAction | Action |
Gets or sets a delegate which is executed after the process was started.
Inherited from ToolSettings
RawLogFile | FilePath |
Gets or sets a file where to redirect the raw log of failed tasks.
Server | string |
Gets or sets the octopus server url.
Inherited from Octopus
SetupProcessSettings | Action |
Gets or sets a delegate to configure the process settings.
Inherited from ToolSettings
ShowProgress | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether progress of the deployment should be followed. (Sets --waitfordeployment and --norawlog to true.)
SkipSteps | string[] |
Gets or sets a list of steps to be skipped. Takes step names.
Space | string |
Gets or sets the name of a space within which this command will be executed. The default space will be used if it is omitted.
Inherited from Octopus
SpecificMachines | string[] |
Gets or sets list of machines names to target in the deployed environment.If not specified all machines in the environment will be considered.
Tenant | string[] |
Gets or sets a tenant the deployment will be performed for; specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenants or use `*` wildcard to deploy to tenants able to deploy.
TenantTags | string[] |
Gets or sets a tenant tags used to match tenants that the deployment will be performed for; specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenant tags.
ToolPath | FilePath |
Gets or sets the tool path.
Inherited from ToolSettings
ToolTimeout | TimeSpan? |
Gets or sets optional timeout for tool execution.
Inherited from ToolSettings
Username | string |
Gets or sets the username to use when authenticating with the server.
Inherited from Octopus
Variables | Dictionary |
Gets or sets values for any prompted variables.
WaitForDeployment | bool |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to wait synchronously for deployment to finish.
WorkingDirectory | DirectoryPath |
Gets or sets the working directory for the tool process.
Inherited from ToolSettings
Extension Methods
Name | Value | Summary |
Dump |
string |
Get a basic string representation of specified object.
From LoggingExtensions
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
IsIn |
bool |
Checks if the source is contained in a list
From EnumerableExtensions
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
NotNull |
void |
Throws an exception if the specified parameter's value is null.
From Extensions
Requires the Cake.Ftp addin
NotNull |
void |
Throws an exception if the specified parameter's value is null.
From IssuesArgumentChecks
Requires the Cake.Issues addin
ThrowIfNull |
T |
Throws a
System.ArgumentNullException with a specific message if the value is null, otherwise returns the value
From AssertExtensions
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
ThrowIfNull |
T |
Throws a
System.ArgumentNullException if the value is null, otherwise returns the value
From AssertExtensions
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
ToDictionary |
IDictionary |
From ObjectHelpers
Requires the Cake.DeployParams addin
To |
string |
Returns the string value or a
Not set > markup suitable for Spectre.Console.
From StringExtensions
Requires the Cake.Issues addin
With |
T |
Sets the tool argument customization delegate.
With |
T |
Sets or adds tool environment variable.
WithExpectedExitCode |
T |
Sets expected exit code using
WithHandleExitCode<T>(T, Func<int, bool>) .
WithHandleExitCode |
T |
Sets delegate whether the exit code from the tool process causes an exception to be thrown.
With |
T |
Sets whether the tool should use a working directory or not.
WithPostAction |
T |
Sets a delegate which is executed after the tool process was started.
With |
T |
Sets a delegate to configure the process settings.
WithToolPath |
T |
Sets the tool path.
WithToolSettings |
T |
Provides fluent null guarded tool settings action.
WithToolTimeout |
T |
Sets the tool timeout.
WithWorkingDirectory |
T |
Sets the tool working directory.