ChocolateySharedSettings Class


Contains settings used by ChocolateySharedSettings.
graph BT Type-->Base0["ChocolateySettings"] click Base0 "/api/Cake.Common.Tools.Chocolatey/ChocolateySettings" Base0-->Base1["ToolSettings"] click Base1 "/api/Cake.Core.Tooling/ToolSettings" Base1-->Base2["object"] Type["ChocolateySharedSettings"] class Type type-node Derived0["ChocolateyInstallSettings"]-->Type click Derived0 "/api/Cake.Common.Tools.Chocolatey.Install/ChocolateyInstallSettings" Derived1["ChocolateyUninstallSettings"]-->Type click Derived1 "/api/Cake.Common.Tools.Chocolatey.Uninstall/ChocolateyUninstallSettings" Derived2["ChocolateyUpgradeSettings"]-->Type click Derived2 "/api/Cake.Common.Tools.Chocolatey.Upgrade/ChocolateyUpgradeSettings"


public class ChocolateySharedSettings : ChocolateySettings


Name Value Summary
AcceptLicense bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to accept license for package.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
AllowUnofficial bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to run in allow unofficial mode.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
ApplyInstallArgumentsToDependencies bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether install arguments be applied to dependent packages.
ApplyPackageParametersToDependencies bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether package parameters be applied to dependent packages.
ArgumentCustomization Func<ProcessArgumentBuilder, ProcessArgumentBuilder>
Gets or sets the argument customization. Argument customization is a way that lets you add, replace or reuse arguments passed to a tool. This allows you to support new tool arguments, customize arguments or address potential argument issues.
Inherited from ToolSettings
CacheLocation string
Gets or sets the location of the download cache.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
Debug bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to run in debug mode.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
EnvironmentVariables IDictionary<string, string>
Gets or sets search paths for files, directories for temporary files, application-specific options, and other similar information.
Inherited from ToolSettings
ExecutionTimeout int
Gets or sets the execution timeout value.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
ExitWhenRebootDetected bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to exit when a reboot is detected.
FailOnErrorOutput bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to faile when error output is detected.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
Force bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to run in forced mode.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
HandleExitCode Func<int, bool>
Gets or sets whether the exit code from the tool process causes an exception to be thrown.

If the delegate is null (the default) or returns false, then an exception is thrown upon a non-zero exit code.

If the delegate returns true then no exception is thrown.

This can be useful when the exit code should be ignored, or if there is a desire to apply logic that is conditional on the exit code value.

Inherited from ToolSettings
IgnoreDetectedReboot bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore detected reboots.
IgnorePackageExitCodes bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to Exit with a 0 for success and 1 for non-success no matter what package scripts provide for exit codes.
LimitOutput bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to run in limited output mode.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
LogFile FilePath
Gets or sets the path to the file where all log entries will be sent.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
NoColor bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to run in no color mode.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
Noop bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to run in noop mode.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
NoProgress bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to run while not showing download progress.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
NotSilent bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to process package silently.
NoWorkingDirectory bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to opt out of using an explicit working directory for the process.
Inherited from ToolSettings
OverrideArguments bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether install arguments be used exclusively without appending to current package passed arguments.
PackageParameters string
Gets or sets parameters to pass to the package.
PostAction Action<IProcess>
Gets or sets a delegate which is executed after the process was started.
Inherited from ToolSettings
Proxy string
Gets or sets the explicit proxy location.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
ProxyByPassList string
Gets or sets the comma separated list of regex location to bypass on proxy.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
ProxyBypassOnLocal bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to bypass proxy for local connections.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
ProxyPassword string
Gets or sets the explicit proxy password.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
ProxyUser string
Gets or sets the explicit proxy user.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
SetupProcessSettings Action<ProcessSettings>
Gets or sets a delegate to configure the process settings.
Inherited from ToolSettings
SideBySide bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether multiple versions of a package be installed.
SkipCompatibilityChecks bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to skip all compatibility checks.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
SkipHooks bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to skip the running of package hook scripts.
SkipPowerShell bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to run chocolateyInstall.ps1.
Source string
Gets or sets the source to find the package(s).
StopOnFirstFailure bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to stop of the first failure of a package.
ToolPath FilePath
Gets or sets the tool path.
Inherited from ToolSettings
ToolTimeout TimeSpan?
Gets or sets optional timeout for tool execution.
Inherited from ToolSettings
Trace bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to run in trace mode.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
UsePackageExitCodes bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use package exit codes.
UseSystemPowerShell bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to run using system installed version of PowerShell.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
Verbose bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to run in verbose mode.
Inherited from ChocolateySettings
Version string
Gets or sets the specific version of the package.
WorkingDirectory DirectoryPath
Gets or sets the working directory for the tool process.
Inherited from ToolSettings

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
Dump<ChocolateySharedSettings>() string
Get a basic string representation of specified object.
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
IsIn<ChocolateySharedSettings>(ChocolateySharedSettings[]) bool
Checks if the source is contained in a list
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
NotNull<ChocolateySharedSettings>(string) void
Throws an exception if the specified parameter's value is null.
Requires the Cake.Issues addin
NotNull<ChocolateySharedSettings>(string) void
Throws an exception if the specified parameter's value is null.
Requires the Cake.Ftp addin
ThrowIfNull<ChocolateySharedSettings>(string, string) T
Throws a System.ArgumentNullException with a specific message if the value is null, otherwise returns the value
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
ThrowIfNull<ChocolateySharedSettings>(string) T
Throws a System.ArgumentNullException if the value is null, otherwise returns the value
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
ToDictionary() IDictionary<string, object>
Requires the Cake.DeployParams addin
ToStringWithNullMarkup() string
Returns the string value or a Not set> markup suitable for Spectre.Console.
Requires the Cake.Issues addin
WithArgumentCustomization<ChocolateySharedSettings>(Func<ProcessArgumentBuilder, ProcessArgumentBuilder>) T
Sets the tool argument customization delegate.
WithEnvironmentVariable<ChocolateySharedSettings>(string, string) T
Sets or adds tool environment variable.
WithExpectedExitCode<ChocolateySharedSettings>(int) T
Sets expected exit code using WithHandleExitCode<T>(T, Func<int, bool>).
WithHandleExitCode<ChocolateySharedSettings>(Func<int, bool>) T
Sets delegate whether the exit code from the tool process causes an exception to be thrown.
WithNoWorkingDirectory<ChocolateySharedSettings>(bool) T
Sets whether the tool should use a working directory or not.
WithPostAction<ChocolateySharedSettings>(Action<IProcess>) T
Sets a delegate which is executed after the tool process was started.
WithSetupProcessSettings<ChocolateySharedSettings>(Action<ProcessSettings>) T
Sets a delegate to configure the process settings.
WithToolPath<ChocolateySharedSettings>(FilePath) T
Sets the tool path.
WithToolSettings<ChocolateySharedSettings>(Action<ChocolateySharedSettings>) T
Provides fluent null guarded tool settings action.
WithToolTimeout<ChocolateySharedSettings>(TimeSpan) T
Sets the tool timeout.
WithWorkingDirectory<ChocolateySharedSettings>(DirectoryPath) T
Sets the tool working directory.