Defining Tasks

Defining tasks in Cake .NET Tool

To define a task in a script for Cake .NET Tool use the Task method:

    .Does(() =>

In script for Cake .NET Tool, each task can have one or more actions to be executed when the task is executed. Those actions are defined using the Does (see above) and DoesForEach (see tasks for collections) methods. Both methods can be chained to define more than one action per task. As an example:

.Does(() => 
   Information("This action runs first.");
}).DoesForEach(GetFiles("./**/*"), f => 
   Information("Found file: "+f);
}).Does(() => {
   Information("This action runs last.");

Defining tasks in Cake Frosting

To define a task in Cake Frosting create a class inheriting from FrostingTask:

public class TaskA : FrostingTask

To define the action of a task in Cake Frosting, override the Run method:

public class TaskA : FrostingTask<Context>
    public override void Run(Context context)
        context.Information("This task runs...");