SquirrelSettings Class


Contains settings used by SquirrelRunner.
Base Types
  • ToolSettings
graph BT Type-->Base0["ToolSettings"] Type["SquirrelSettings"] class Type type-node


public class SquirrelSettings : ToolSettings


Name Summary
SquirrelSettings() Initializes a new instance of the SquirrelSettings class.


Name Value Summary
BootstrapperExe DirectoryPath
Gets or sets the Setup.exe for boostrapping.
FrameworkVersion string
Gets or sets the required .NET framework version
Icon FilePath
Gets or sets the filepath to the icon for shortcuts.
LoadingGif FilePath
Gets or sets the filepath to the loading gif.
NoDelta bool
Gets or sets Don't generate delta packages to save time.
NoMsi bool
Gets or sets if an MSI package should be created.
PackagesDirectory DirectoryPath
Gets or sets the packages directory location.
ReleaseDirectory DirectoryPath
Gets or sets the release directory location.
SetupIcon FilePath
Gets or sets the filepath to the setup executable's icon.
ShortCutLocations string
Gets or sets shortcut locations.
SigningParameters string
Gets or sets the parameters to be passed to SignTool.exe.
Silent bool
Gets or sets if it should be a silent install.

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
Dump<SquirrelSettings>() string
Get a basic string representation of specified object.
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
IsIn<SquirrelSettings>(SquirrelSettings[]) bool
Checks if the source is contained in a list
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
NotNull<SquirrelSettings>(string) void
Throws an exception if the specified parameter's value is null.
Requires the Cake.Ftp addin
NotNull<SquirrelSettings>(string) void
Throws an exception if the specified parameter's value is null.
Requires the Cake.Issues addin
ThrowIfNull<SquirrelSettings>(string, string) T
Throws a System.ArgumentNullException with a specific message if the value is null, otherwise returns the value
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
ThrowIfNull<SquirrelSettings>(string) T
Throws a System.ArgumentNullException if the value is null, otherwise returns the value
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
ToDictionary() IDictionary<string, object>
Requires the Cake.DeployParams addin
ToStringWithNullMarkup() string
Returns the string value or a Not set> markup suitable for Spectre.Console.
Requires the Cake.Issues addin