JekyllServeSettings Class


Contains settings used by Cake.Jekyll.Commands.Serve.JekyllServeCommand.
Base Types
graph BT Type-->Base0["JekyllSettings"] click Base0 "/api/Cake.Jekyll/JekyllSettings" Base0-->Base1["ToolSettings"] Type["JekyllServeSettings"] class Type type-node


public class JekyllServeSettings : JekyllSettings


Name Summary
JekyllServeSettings() Initializes a new instance of the JekyllServeSettings class.


Name Value Summary
BaseUrl string
Serve the website from the given base URL. -b, --baseurl URL
Command string
Gets the command which should be run.
Inherited from JekyllSettings
Configuration OneOrMoreFilePaths
Specifies one or more configuration file(s) instead of using `_config.yml` automatically. Settings in later files override settings in earlier files.
Destination DirectoryPath
Site Destination directory, the directory where Jekyll will write files (defaults to `./_site`). -d, --destination DIR Important: The contents of Destination are automatically cleaned, by default, when the site is built. Files or folders that are not created by your site will be removed. Some files could be retained by specifying them within the `keep_files` configuration directive. Do not use an important location for Destination; instead, use it as a staging area and copy files from there to your web server.
Detach Nullable<bool>
Detach the server from the terminal (defaults to ). -B, --detach
DisableDiskCache Nullable<bool>
Disable caching of content to disk in order to skip creating a `.jekyll-cache` or similar directory at the source to avoid interference with virtual environments and third-party directory watchers. Caching to disk is always disabled in safe mode (defaults to ). --disable-disk-cache
DoNotUseBundler Nullable<bool>
Gets or sets if Bundler should *not* be used to execute Jekyll (defaults to ). `jekyll` instead of `bundle exec`...
Inherited from JekyllSettings
Drafts Nullable<bool>
Process and render draft posts in the `_drafts` folder (defaults to ). -D, --drafts
ForcePolling Nullable<bool>
Force watch to use polling (defaults to ). --force_polling
Future Nullable<bool>
Publish posts or collection documents with a future date (defaults to ). --future
Hostname string
Listen at the given hostname. -H, --host HOSTNAME
IncrementalBuild Nullable<bool>
Enable the experimental incremental build feature. Incremental build only re-builds posts and pages that have changed, resulting in significant performance improvements for large sites, but may also break site generation in certain cases (defaults to ). -I, --incremental
Layouts DirectoryPath
Specifies layout directory instead of using `_layouts/` automatically. --layouts DIR
LimitPosts Nullable<int>
Limit the number of posts to parse and publish. --limit_posts NUM
LiquidProfile Nullable<bool>
Generate a Liquid rendering profile to help you identify performance bottlenecks (defaults to ). --profile
LiveReload Nullable<bool>
Reload a page automatically on the browser when its content is edited (defaults to ). -l, --livereload
LiveReloadIgnore OneOrMoreStrings
File glob patterns for LiveReload to ignore. --livereload-ignore GLOB1[,GLOB2,...]
LiveReloadMaxDelay Nullable<TimeSpan>
Maximum delay before automatically reloading page. --livereload-max-delay SECONDS
LiveReloadMinDelay Nullable<TimeSpan>
Minimum delay before automatically reloading page. --livereload-min-delay SECONDS
LiveReloadPort Nullable<int>
Port for LiveReload to listen on. --livereload-port PORT
LogLevel Nullable<JekyllLogLevel>
Log level which should be used to run the Jekyll build command. -V, --verbose or -q, --quiet
Lsi Nullable<bool>
Produce an index for related posts using latent semantic indexing (LSI) for improved related posts (defaults to ). Requires the classifier-reborn plugin. --lsi
OpenUrl Nullable<bool>
Open the site's URL in the browser (defaults to ). -o, --open-url
Plugins OneOrMoreDirectoryPaths
Specifies plugin directories instead of using `_plugins/` automatically. -p, --plugins DIR1[,DIR2,...]
Port Nullable<int>
Listen on the given port. -P, --port PORT
SafeMode Nullable<bool>
Safe mode (defaults to ). --safe Disable non-whitelisted plugins, caching to disk, and ignore symbolic links.
ShowDirListing Nullable<bool>
Show a directory listing instead of loading your index file (defaults to ). --show-dir-listing
SkipInitialBuild Nullable<bool>
Skips the initial site build which occurs before the server is started (defaults to ). --skip-initial-build
Source DirectoryPath
Site Source directory, the directory where Jekyll will read files (defaults to `./`). -s, --source DIR
SslCertificate FilePath
X.509 (SSL) Public Certificate, stored or symlinked in the site source. --ssl-cert [CERT]
SslKey FilePath
X.509 (SSL) Private Key, stored or symlinked in the site source. --ssl-key [KEY]
StrictFrontMatter Nullable<bool>
Cause a build to fail if there is a YAML syntax error in a page's front matter (defaults to ). --strict_front_matter
Trace Nullable<bool>
Show the full backtrace when an error occurs (defaults to ). -t, --trace
Unpublished Nullable<bool>
Render posts that were marked as unpublished (defaults to ). --unpublished
Watch Nullable<bool>
Enable auto-regeneration of the site when files are modified (defaults to ). -w, --[no-]watch


Name Value Summary
ApplyOption(ProcessArgumentBuilder, Nullable<JekyllLogLevel>) void
Apply option for the Jekyll Log Level
Inherited from JekyllSettings
ApplyOption(ProcessArgumentBuilder, string, Nullable<bool>) void
Apply option from a nullable boolean value
Inherited from JekyllSettings
ApplyOption(ProcessArgumentBuilder, string, Nullable<int>) void
Apply option from a nullable int value
Inherited from JekyllSettings
ApplyOption(ProcessArgumentBuilder, string, Nullable<TimeSpan>) void
Apply option from one or more string values
Inherited from JekyllSettings
ApplyOption(ProcessArgumentBuilder, string, OneOrMoreDirectoryPaths) void
Apply option from directory path(s)
Inherited from JekyllSettings
ApplyOption(ProcessArgumentBuilder, string, OneOrMoreFilePaths) void
Apply option from file path(s)
Inherited from JekyllSettings
ApplyOption(ProcessArgumentBuilder, string, OneOrMoreStrings) void
Apply option from one or more string values
Inherited from JekyllSettings
ApplyOption(ProcessArgumentBuilder, string, string) void
Apply option from a string value
Inherited from JekyllSettings
ApplyValue(ProcessArgumentBuilder, string) void
Apply option from a string value
Inherited from JekyllSettings
EvaluateCore(ProcessArgumentBuilder) void
Evaluates the settings and writes them to args.

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
Detach(Nullable<bool>) JekyllServeSettings
Sets if the the server should be detached from the terminal.
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
DisableDiskCache(bool) JekyllServeSettings
Sets if caching to disk in non-safe mode should be disabled. --disable-disk-cache Disable caching of content to disk in order to skip creating a `.jekyll-cache` or similar directory at the source to avoid interference with virtual environments and third-party directory watchers. Caching to disk is always disabled in safe mode.
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
DoNotUseBundler(Nullable<bool>) JekyllServeSettings
Specifies if Bundler should not be used to execute Jekyll. `jekyll` instead of `bundle exec`...
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
Dump<JekyllServeSettings>() string
Get a basic string representation of specified object.
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
EnableIncrementalBuild(bool) JekyllServeSettings
Sets if the experimental incremental rebuilds should be enabled. Incremental build only re-builds posts and pages that have changed, resulting in significant performance improvements for large sites, but may also break site generation in certain cases. -I, --incremental
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
EnableLiquidProfile(bool) JekyllServeSettings
Sets if a Liquid rendering profile should be generated. --profile Liquid rendering profile helps you identify performance bottlenecks.
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
EnableSafeMode(bool) JekyllServeSettings
Sets if both non-whitelisted plugins and caching to disk should be disabled, and if symbolic links should be ignore. --safe
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
EnableTrace(bool) JekyllServeSettings
Sets if the full backtrace should be shown when an error occurs. -t, --trace
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
EnableWatch(bool) JekyllServeSettings
Sets if auto-regeneration of the site when files are modified be enabled. -w, --[no-]watch
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
ForcePolling(bool) JekyllServeSettings
Sets if polling should be used when watching for changes. --force_polling
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
IsIn<JekyllServeSettings>(JekyllServeSettings[]) bool
Checks if the source is contained in a list
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
LimitPosts(Nullable<int>) JekyllServeSettings
Sets a limit to the number of posts to parse and publish. --limit_posts NUM
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
NotNull<JekyllServeSettings>(string) void
Throws an exception if the specified parameter's value is null.
Requires the Cake.Issues addin
NotNull<JekyllServeSettings>(string) void
Throws an exception if the specified parameter's value is null.
Requires the Cake.Ftp addin
OpenUrl(Nullable<bool>) JekyllServeSettings
Sets if the site's URL should be open in the browser.
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
PublishFuture(bool) JekyllServeSettings
Sets if posts or collection documents with a future date should be published. --future
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
RenderDrafts(bool) JekyllServeSettings
Sets if posts in the `_drafts` folder should be processed and rendered. -D, --drafts
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
RenderUnpublished(bool) JekyllServeSettings
Sets if posts that were marked as unpublished should be rendered. --unpublished
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
SetBaseUrl(string) JekyllServeSettings
Sets the base URL to serve the website from. -b, --baseurl URL
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
SetDestination(DirectoryPath) JekyllServeSettings
Sets the Site Destination directory (defaults to ./_site). -d, --destination DIR
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
SetHostname(string) JekyllServeSettings
Sets the local server hostname to listen at.
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
SetLayouts(DirectoryPath) JekyllServeSettings
Sets the layout directory instead of using `_layouts/` automatically --layouts DIR
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
SetLiveReloadMaxDelay(TimeSpan) JekyllServeSettings
Sets the maximum delay before automatically reloading page.
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
SetLiveReloadMinDelay(TimeSpan) JekyllServeSettings
Sets the minimum delay before automatically reloading page.
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
SetLiveReloadPort(Nullable<int>) JekyllServeSettings
Sets the port for LiveReload to listen on.
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
SetLogLevel(Nullable<JekyllLogLevel>) JekyllServeSettings
Sets the log level which should be used to run the Jekyll command.
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
SetPort(Nullable<int>) JekyllServeSettings
Sets the local server port to listen on.
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
SetSource(DirectoryPath) JekyllServeSettings
Sets the Site Source directory, the directory where Jekyll will read files (defaults to `./`). -s, --source DIR
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
SetWorkingDirectory(DirectoryPath) JekyllServeSettings
Sets the working directory which should be used to run the Jekyll command.
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
ShowDirListing(Nullable<bool>) JekyllServeSettings
Sets if a directory listing should be shown instead of loading your index file.
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
SkipInitialBuild(Nullable<bool>) JekyllServeSettings
Sets if the initial site build which occurs before the server is started should be skipped.
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
ThrowIfNull<JekyllServeSettings>(string, string) T
Throws a System.ArgumentNullException with a specific message if the value is null, otherwise returns the value
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
ThrowIfNull<JekyllServeSettings>(string) T
Throws a System.ArgumentNullException if the value is null, otherwise returns the value
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
ToDictionary() IDictionary<string, object>
Requires the Cake.DeployParams addin
ToStringWithNullMarkup() string
Returns the string value or a Not set> markup suitable for Spectre.Console.
Requires the Cake.Issues addin
UseLiveReload(Nullable<bool>) JekyllServeSettings
Sets if a page shoud be reloaded automatically on the browser when its content is edited.
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
UseLsi(bool) JekyllServeSettings
Sets if an index for related posts using latent semantic indexing (LSI) for improved related posts should be produced. Requires the classifier-reborn plugin.
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
UseSslCertificate(FilePath) JekyllServeSettings
Sets the X.509 (SSL) Public Certificate, stored or symlinked in the site source.
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
UseSslKey(FilePath) JekyllServeSettings
Sets the X.509 (SSL) Private Key, stored or symlinked in the site source.
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
UseStrictFrontMatter(bool) JekyllServeSettings
Sets if the build should fail if there is a YAML syntax error in a page's front matter. --strict_front_matter
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
WithConfiguration(FilePath[]) JekyllServeSettings
Specifies one or more configuration file(s) instead of using `_config.yml` automatically. Settings in later files override settings in earlier files.
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
WithLiveReloadIgnore(string[]) JekyllServeSettings
Sets the file glob patterns for LiveReload to ignore.
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin
WithPlugins(DirectoryPath[]) JekyllServeSettings
Sets the Plugins directory instead of using `_plugins/` automatically. -p, --plugins DIR1[,DIR2,...]
Requires the Cake.Jekyll addin