HtmlDxDataGridOption Class


Options for the HtmlDxDataGrid template.
graph BT Type-->Base0["Enum"] Type["HtmlDxDataGridOption"] class Type type-node


public sealed class HtmlDxDataGridOption : Enum


Name Constant Value Summary
AdditionalColumns 46
List of HtmlDxDataGridColumnDescription for additional columns which should be added to the grid. Default value is an empty list.
ColumnSortOrder 31
Sort order of the Column column if it is part of SortedColumns. See ColumnSortOrder for possible values. Default value is Ascending.
ColumnVisible 30
Flag if the Column column should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is false.
DevExtremeLicenseKey 51
License key for DevExtreme. Required for version 23.2 and later. Default value is null.
DevExtremeLocation 49
Location where the DevExtreme libraries can be found. Below the location there needs to be a folder matching DevExtremeVersion and inside there subfolders js and css. The following files need to be available:
  • {DevExtremeLocation}/{DevExtremeVersion}/js/dx.all.js
  • {DevExtremeLocation}/{DevExtremeVersion}/css/dx.common.css
  • {DevExtremeLocation}/{DevExtremeVersion}/css/{Theme}
Default value is
DevExtremeVersion 50
Version of the DevExtreme libraries which should be used. If setting this the matching JQueryVersion needs to also be set. Default value is 23.1.13.
DisplayMode 64
Display mode of the grid. See HtmlDxDataGridDisplayMode for possible values. Default value is Paged.
EnableExporting 53
Flag if exporting should be available or not. Either true or false. Default value is false.
EnableFiltering 5
Flag if filtering should be available or not. Either true or false. Default value is true.
EnableGrouping 4
Flag if the group panel which allows end-user grouping should be visible or not. Either true or false. If false grouping defined by GroupedColumns is still applied. Default value is true.
EnableSearching 3
Flag if the search panel for full text searching should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is true.
EndColumnSortOrder 33
Sort order of the EndColumn column if it is part of SortedColumns. See ColumnSortOrder for possible values. Default value is Ascending.
EndColumnVisible 32
Flag if the EndColumn column should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is false.
EndLineSortOrder 29
Sort order of the EndLine column if it is part of SortedColumns. See ColumnSortOrder for possible values. Default value is Ascending.
EndLineVisible 28
Flag if the EndLine column should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is false.
ExcelJsLocation 56
Location where ExcelJS can be found. Below the location there needs to be a folder matching ExcelJsVersion. The following files need to be available:
  • {ExcelJsLocation}/{ExcelJsVersion}/exceljs.min.js
Default value is
ExcelJsVersion 57
Version of ExcelJS which should be used. This version needs to match the version required by the selected DevExtremeVersion. Default value is 4.4.0.
ExportFileName 54
Default name of the export file without file name extension. Default value is issue-report.
ExportFormat 55
Export format. See HtmlDxDataGridExportFormat for possible values. Default value is Excel.
FileDirectorySortOrder 23
Sort order of the FileDirectory column if it is part of SortedColumns. See ColumnSortOrder for possible values. Default value is Ascending.
FileDirectoryVisible 22
Flag if the FileDirectory column should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is true.
FileNameSortOrder 25
Sort order of the FileName column if it is part of SortedColumns. See ColumnSortOrder for possible values. Default value is Ascending.
FileNameVisible 24
Flag if the FileName column should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is true.
FilePathSortOrder 21
Sort order of the FilePath column if it is part of SortedColumns. See ColumnSortOrder for possible values. Default value is Ascending.
FilePathVisible 20
Flag if the FilePath column should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is false.
FileSaverJsLocation 58
Location where FileSaver.js can be found. Below the location there needs to be a folder matching FileSaverJsVersion. The following files need to be available:
  • {FileSaverLocation}/{FileSaverVersion}/FileSaver.js
Default value is
FileSaverJsVersion 59
Version of FileSaver.js which should be used. This version needs to match the version required by the selected DevExtremeVersion. Default value is 2.0.5.
GroupedColumns 44
List of ReportColumn which should be grouped. Grouped columns are always visible. Default value is ProviderName and Run.
IdeIntegrationSettings 52
Settings for having functionality to open files affected by issues in IDEs. Value needs to be an instance of IdeIntegrationSettings. Default value is null.
JQueryLocation 47
Location where jQuery can be found. The following files need to be available:
  • {JQueryLocation}/jquery-{JQueryVersion}.min.js
Default value is
JQueryVersion 48
Version of jQuery which should be used. This version needs to match the version required by the selected DevExtremeVersion. Default value is 3.7.1.
JsPdfAutotableLocation 62
Location where jsPDF-AutoTable plugin can be found. Below the location there needs to be a folder matching JsPdfAutotableVersion. The following files need to be available:
  • {JsPdfAutotableLocation}/{JsPdfAutotableVersion}/jspdf.plugin.autotable.min.js
Default value is
JsPdfAutotableVersion 63
Version of jsPDF-AutoTable plugin which should be used. This version needs to match the version required by the selected DevExtremeVersion. Default value is 3.8.4.
JsPdfLocation 60
Location where jsPDF can be found. Below the location there needs to be a folder matching JsPdfVersion. The following files need to be available:
  • {JsPdfLocation}/{JsPdfVersion}/jspdf.umd.min.js
Default value is
JsPdfVersion 61
Version of jsPDF which should be used. This version needs to match the version required by the selected DevExtremeVersion. Default value is 2.5.2.
LineSortOrder 27
Sort order of the Line column if it is part of SortedColumns. See ColumnSortOrder for possible values. Default value is Ascending.
LineVisible 26
Flag if the Line column should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is false.
LocationSortOrder 35
Sort order of the Location column if it is part of SortedColumns. See ColumnSortOrder for possible values. Default value is Ascending.
LocationVisible 34
Flag if the Location column should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is true.
MessageSortOrder 43
Sort order of the Message column if it is part of SortedColumns. See ColumnSortOrder for possible values. Default value is Ascending.
MessageVisible 42
Flag if the Message column should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is true.
PersistState 66
Flag if customization in the report should be persisted. Either true or false. Default value is true.
PriorityNameSortOrder 15
Sort order of the PriorityName column if it is part of SortedColumns. See ColumnSortOrder for possible values. Default value is Descending.
PriorityNameVisible 14
Flag if the PriorityName column should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is true.
PrioritySortOrder 13
Sort order of the Priority column if it is part of SortedColumns. See ColumnSortOrder for possible values. Default value is Descending.
PriorityVisible 12
Flag if the Priority column should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is false.
ProjectNameSortOrder 19
Sort order of the ProjectName column if it is part of SortedColumns. See ColumnSortOrder for possible values. Default value is Ascending.
ProjectNameVisible 18
Flag if the ProjectName column should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is true.
ProjectPathSortOrder 17
Sort order of the ProjectPath column if it is part of SortedColumns. See ColumnSortOrder for possible values. Default value is Ascending.
ProjectPathVisible 16
Flag if the ProjectPath column should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is false.
ProviderNameSortOrder 9
Sort order of the ProviderName column if it is part of SortedColumns. See ColumnSortOrder for possible values. Default value is Ascending.
ProviderNameVisible 8
Flag if the ProviderName column should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is true.
ProviderTypeSortOrder 7
Sort order of the ProviderType column if it is part of SortedColumns. See ColumnSortOrder for possible values. Default value is Ascending.
ProviderTypeVisible 6
Flag if the ProviderType column should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is false.
RuleIdSortOrder 37
Sort order of the RuleId column if it is part of SortedColumns. See ColumnSortOrder for possible values. Default value is Ascending.
RuleIdVisible 36
Flag if the RuleId column should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is true.
RuleNameSortOrder 39
Sort order of the RuleName column if it is part of SortedColumns. See ColumnSortOrder for possible values. Default value is Ascending.
RuleNameVisible 38
Flag if the RuleName column should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is true.
RuleUrlSortOrder 41
Sort order of the RuleUrl column if it is part of SortedColumns. See ColumnSortOrder for possible values. Default value is Ascending.
RuleUrlVisible 40
Flag if the RuleUrl column should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is false.
RunSortOrder 11
Sort order of the Run column if it is part of SortedColumns. See ColumnSortOrder for possible values. Default value is Ascending.
RunVisible 10
Flag if the Run column should be visible or not. Either true or false. Default value is true if any issue contains run information, otherwise false.
ShowColumnChooser 65
Flag if the column chooser to show and hide columns should be available or not. Either true or false. Default value is true.
ShowHeader 2
Flag if the title should be shown as header on the top of the page. Either true or false. Default value is true.
SortedColumns 45
List of ReportColumn which should be sorted. Default value is PriorityName, ProjectName, FileDirectory, FileName, Line.
StorageKey 67
Key for the state storage. Reports with the same key will share customizations. Default value is CakeIssuesReportingGeneric.
Theme 1
DevExtreme theme to use. See DevExtremeTheme for possible values. Default value is Light.
Title 0
Title of the report. Default value is Issues Report.

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
Dump<HtmlDxDataGridOption>() string
Get a basic string representation of specified object.
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
IsIn<HtmlDxDataGridOption>(HtmlDxDataGridOption[]) bool
Checks if the source is contained in a list
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
NotNull<HtmlDxDataGridOption>(string) void
Throws an exception if the specified parameter's value is null.
Requires the Cake.Issues addin
NotNull<HtmlDxDataGridOption>(string) void
Throws an exception if the specified parameter's value is null.
Requires the Cake.Ftp addin
ThrowIfNull<HtmlDxDataGridOption>(string, string) T
Throws a System.ArgumentNullException with a specific message if the value is null, otherwise returns the value
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
ThrowIfNull<HtmlDxDataGridOption>(string) T
Throws a System.ArgumentNullException if the value is null, otherwise returns the value
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
ToDictionary() IDictionary<string, object>
Requires the Cake.DeployParams addin
ToStringWithNullMarkup() string
Returns the string value or a Not set> markup suitable for Spectre.Console.
Requires the Cake.Issues addin