This namespace contains Flutter operations.
Class Types
Class | Summary |
AndroidLanguage | AndroidLanguage |
Arguments |
Arguments builder |
Auto |
AutoToolSettings | Base class for tooling that is used for autogeneration of command line arguments. |
FlutterAliases | Contains functionality for working with flutter commands. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter analyze. Analyze the project's Dart code.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter attach. Attach to a running application.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter bash-completion. Output command line shell completion setup scripts.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter build aot. Build an ahead-of-time compiled snapshot of your app's Dart code.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter build apk. Build an Android APK file from your app.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter build apk. Build an Android APK file from your app.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter build bundle. Build the Flutter assets directory from your app.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter build flx. Deprecated. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter build ios. Build an iOS application bundle (Mac OS X host only).. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter build ios. Build an iOS application bundle (Mac OS X host only).. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter channel. List or switch flutter channels.. |
FlutterCleanSettings | Settings for flutter clean. Delete the build/ directory.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter config. Configure Flutter settings.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter create. Create a new Flutter project.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter devices. List all connected devices.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter doctor. Show information about the installed tooling.. |
FlutterDriveSettings | Settings for flutter drive. Runs Flutter Driver tests for the current project.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter emulators. List, launch and create emulators.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter format. Format one or more dart files.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter install. Install a Flutter app on an attached device.. |
FlutterLogsSettings | Settings for flutter logs. Show log output for running Flutter apps.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter make-host-app-editable. Moves host apps from generated directories to non-generated directories so that they can be edited by developers.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter packages get. Get packages in a Flutter project.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter packages pub. Pass the remaining arguments to Dart's "pub" tool.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter packages test. Run the "test" package.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter packages upgrade. Upgrade packages in a Flutter project.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter precache. Populates the Flutter tool's cache of binary artifacts.. |
FlutterRunSettings | Settings for flutter run. Run your Flutter app on an attached device.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter screenshot. Take a screenshot from a connected device.. |
FlutterStopSettings | Settings for flutter stop. Stop your Flutter app on an attached device.. |
FlutterTestSettings | Settings for flutter test. Run Flutter unit tests for the current project.. |
FlutterTool |
Base class for all appcenter related tools. |
FlutterTraceSettings | Settings for flutter trace. Start and stop tracing for a running Flutter app.. |
Flutter |
Settings for flutter upgrade. Upgrade your copy of Flutter.. |
GenericRunner |
IOSArch | Target iIOS architechture |
IOSLanguage | iOS language |
TargetPlatform | Target platform |
Template | Template type |