CakeTaskBuilder<TData> Class


Allows configuration to be performed for a registered CakeTask.
Base Types
  • object
graph BT Type-->Base0["object"] Type["CakeTaskBuilder<TData>"] class Type type-node


public sealed class CakeTaskBuilder<TData> where TData : class

Type Parameters

Name Description
TData The type of the data context.


Name Summary
CakeTaskBuilder(CakeTask) Initializes a new instance of the CakeTaskBuilder<TData> class.
CakeTaskBuilder(CakeTaskBuilder) Initializes a new instance of the CakeTaskBuilder<TData> class.


Name Value Summary
Builder CakeTaskBuilder
Gets the cake task builder.
Task ICakeTaskInfo
Gets a read-only representation of the task being configured.

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
ContinueOnError<TData>() CakeTaskBuilder<TData>
Adds an indication to the task that a thrown exception will not halt the script execution.
DeferOnError<TData>() CakeTaskBuilder<TData>
Defers all exceptions until after all actions for this task have completed.
Description<TData>(string) CakeTaskBuilder<TData>
Adds a description to the task.
Does<TData>(Action<ICakeContext, TData>) CakeTaskBuilder<TData>
Adds an action to be executed when the task is invoked.
Does<TData>(Func<ICakeContext, TData, Task>) CakeTaskBuilder<TData>
Adds an action to be executed when the task is invoked.
DoesForEach<TData, TItem>(Func<TData, ICakeContext, IEnumerable<TItem>>, Action<TData, TItem, ICakeContext>) CakeTaskBuilder<TData>
Adds an action to be executed foreach item returned by the items function. This method will be executed the first time the task is executed.
DoesForEach<TData, TItem>(IEnumerable<TItem>, Action<TData, TItem, ICakeContext>) CakeTaskBuilder<TData>
Adds an action to be executed foreach item returned by the items function. This method will be executed the first time the task is executed.
Dump<CakeTaskBuilder<TData>>() string
Get a basic string representation of specified object.
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
Finally<TData>(Action<ICakeContext, TData>) CakeTaskBuilder<TData>
Adds a finally handler to be executed after the task have finished executing.
Finally<TData>(Func<ICakeContext, TData, Task>) CakeTaskBuilder<TData>
Adds a finally handler to be executed after the task have finished executing.
IsDependeeOf<TData>(CakeTaskBuilder<TData>) CakeTaskBuilder<TData>
Makes the task a dependee of another task.
IsDependeeOf<TData>(string) CakeTaskBuilder<TData>
Makes the task a dependee of another task.
IsDependentOn<TData>(CakeTaskBuilder) CakeTaskBuilder<TData>
Creates a dependency between two tasks.
IsDependentOn<TData>(CakeTaskBuilder<TData>) CakeTaskBuilder<TData>
Creates a dependency between two tasks.
IsDependentOn<TData>(string) CakeTaskBuilder<TData>
Creates a dependency between two tasks.
IsIn<CakeTaskBuilder<TData>>(CakeTaskBuilder<TData>[]) bool
Checks if the source is contained in a list
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
NotNull<CakeTaskBuilder<TData>>(string) void
Throws an exception if the specified parameter's value is null.
Requires the Cake.Ftp addin
NotNull<CakeTaskBuilder<TData>>(string) void
Requires the Cake.Issues addin
OnError<TData>(Action<Exception, ICakeContext, TData>) CakeTaskBuilder<TData>
Adds an error handler to be executed if an exception occurs in the task.
OnError<TData>(Func<Exception, ICakeContext, TData, Task>) CakeTaskBuilder<TData>
Adds an error handler to be executed if an exception occurs in the task.
ReportError<TData>(Action<Exception>) CakeTaskBuilder<TData>
Adds an error reporter for the task to be executed when an exception is thrown from the task. This action is invoked before the error handler, but gives no opportunity to recover from the error.
ThrowIfNull<CakeTaskBuilder<TData>>(string, string) T
Throws a System.ArgumentNullException with a specific message if the value is null, otherwise returns the value
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
ThrowIfNull<CakeTaskBuilder<TData>>(string) T
Throws a System.ArgumentNullException if the value is null, otherwise returns the value
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
ToDictionary() IDictionary<string, object>
Requires the Cake.DeployParams addin
ToStringWithNullMarkup() string
Requires the Cake.Issues addin
WithCriteria<TData>(Func<ICakeContext, TData, bool>, string) CakeTaskBuilder<TData>
Adds a criteria that has to be fulfilled for the task to run. The criteria is evaluated when traversal of the graph occurs.
WithCriteria<TData>(Func<ICakeContext, TData, bool>) CakeTaskBuilder<TData>
Adds a criteria that has to be fulfilled for the task to run. The criteria is evaluated when traversal of the graph occurs.