
Build Property


Gets or sets a value indicating whether to build or not-build the sources before running the tool. Setting this value is only valid for InspectCode version 2021.2.0 and later.

  • Setting this property to true will result in passing the '--build' option.
  • Setting this property to false will result in passing the '--no-build' option.
  • Setting this property to null will result in no changes to the options. This is the default and the only valid setting for versions before 2021.2.


public bool? Build { get; set; }


Starting from version 2021.2, InspectCode builds the target solution before starting the analysis to make sure it only finds relevant code issues. To explicitly accept the new behavior and suppress this warning, use the '--build' option. To match the behavior in previous versions and skip the build, use '--no-build'.


Type Description