
ChocolateyInstallFromConfig(ICakeContext, FilePath, ChocolateyInstallSettings) Method


Installs Chocolatey packages using the specified package configuration and settings.


public static void ChocolateyInstallFromConfig(this ICakeContext context, FilePath packageConfigPath, ChocolateyInstallSettings settings)


ChocolateyInstallFromConfig("./tools/packages.config", new ChocolateyInstallSettings {
    Source                = true,
    Version               = "1.2.3",
    Prerelease            = false,
    Forcex86              = false,
    InstallArguments      = "arg1",
    OverrideArguments     = false,
    NotSilent             = false,
    PackageParameters     = "param1",
    AllowDowngrade        = false,
    SideBySide            = false,
    IgnoreDependencies    = false,
    ForceDependencies     = false,
    SkipPowerShell        = false,
    User                  = "user",
    Password              = "password",
    IgnoreChecksums       = false,
    Debug                 = false,
    Verbose               = false,
    Force                 = false,
    Noop                  = false,
    LimitOutput           = false,
    ExecutionTimeout      = 13,
    CacheLocation         = @"C:\temp",
    AllowUnofficial        = false


Type Description
CakeMethodAliasAttribute An attribute used to mark script method aliases.
CakeAliasCategoryAttribute An attribute used for documentation of alias methods/properties.
CakeNamespaceImportAttribute An attribute used to hint Cake about additional namespaces that need to be imported for an alias to work. This attribute can mark an extension method, the extension method class, or the assembly to provide a global set of imports.


Name Type Description
context ICakeContext The context.
packageConfigPath FilePath The package configuration to install.
settings ChocolateyInstallSettings The settings.

Return Value

Type Description