
ProjectParserResult(string, string, string, string, DirectoryPath, string, string, string, string, IEnumerable<ProjectFile>, IEnumerable<ProjectAssemblyReference>, IEnumerable<ProjectReference>) Constructor


Initializes a new instance of the ProjectParserResult class.


public ProjectParserResult(string configuration, string platform, string projectGuid, string outputType, DirectoryPath outputPath, string rootNameSpace, string assemblyName, string targetFrameworkVersion, string targetFrameworkProfile, IEnumerable<ProjectFile> files, IEnumerable<ProjectAssemblyReference> references, IEnumerable<ProjectReference> projectReferences)


Name Type Description
configuration string The build configuration.
platform string The target platform.
projectGuid string The unique project identifier.
outputType string The compiler output type.
outputPath DirectoryPath The compiler output path.
rootNameSpace string The default root namespace.
assemblyName string Gets the build target assembly name.
targetFrameworkVersion string The compiler framework version.
targetFrameworkProfile string The compiler framework profile.
files IEnumerable<ProjectFile> The project content files.
references IEnumerable<ProjectAssemblyReference> The references.
projectReferences IEnumerable<ProjectReference> The references to other projects.

Return Value

Type Description