Cake.Talend.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
ApiCommandRequest The base class from which all Talend API commands inherit.
ApiCommandRequestGetTaskIdByName Returns the ID of a task, given its name.
ApiCommandRequestTaskId A command that only takes a taskID
EsbTask Describes an ESB Task as returned by the Talend API.
EsbTaskStateEnum The list of states for ESB Tasks.
PublishJobSettings The necessary settings to publish a job.
PublishRouteSettings The necessary settings to publish a route.
RepositoryEnum The two main repositories.
Runner The Talend Command Line runner used to build Talend jobs.
Server Describes a server as returned by the Talend API.
TalendAdminApi Provides functionality for performing Talend Admin API calls.
TalendAdminApiAliases Provides functionality for calling Talend Admin Center API.
TalendAdminApiCommands Lists all commands available to Talend Admin API
TalendAdminApiSettings Settings for Talend Admin Center API
TalendApiListResponse<T> The template to return lists from Talend API.
TalendApiListResponseRaw<T> The template to return lists from Talend API, but with a different root name.
TalendApiResponse The base class from which all Talend API calls inherit.
TalendApiResponseTaskId Returns the ID of a task, given the tasks name.
TalendCommandLineAliases Provides functionality for calling Talend Studio as a Command Line.
TalendCommandLineSettings Contains settings used by TalendCommandLineTool<TSettings>
TalendCommandLineTool<TSettings> Base class for all Talend Command Line tools.
Task Describes a task as returned by the Talend API.
UpdateEsbTaskSettings The settings to update an ESB task. Only fill in what is needed.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
ITalendAdminApi The available methods to call on the Talend Admin API