Cake.AWS.EC2.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
CakeContextExtensions Contains extension methods for ICakeContext.
CakeEnvironmentExtensions Contains extension methods for ICakeEnvironment.
EC2Aliases Contains Cake aliases for configuring Amazon Elastic Computing instances
EC2Manager Provides a high level utility for managing transfers to and from Amazon S3. It makes extensive use of Amazon S3 multipart uploads to achieve enhanced throughput, performance, and reliability. When uploading large files by specifying file paths instead of a stream, TransferUtility uses multiple threads to upload multiple parts of a single upload at once. When dealing with large content sizes and high bandwidth, this can increase throughput significantly.
EC2Settings The settings to use with downlad requests to Amazon EC2
EC2SettingsExtensions Contains extension methods for EC2Settings.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IEC2Manager Used to access Amazon EC2 isntances