Cake.Buildah.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
ArgumentsBuilderExtension Arguments builder.
AutoArrayType Array representation in command line.
AutoPropertyAttribute Auto Property Attribute.
AutoToolSettings Base class for tooling that is used for auto generation of command line arguments.
BuildahAliases Contains functionality for working with Buildah commands. Contains functionality for running any custom command which are not yet implemented. Contains functionality for working with build command. Contains functionality for working with Buildah image prune command. Contains functionality for working with push command. Contains functionality for working with tag command. Contains functionality for working with login command. Contains functionality for working with logout command.
BuildahArgument Represents an agnostic argument.
BuildahArgumentQuoting Quoting mode.
BuildahCustomCommandSettings Settings for Buildah custom commands.
BuildahImageBuildSettings Settings for Buildah build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -. Build an image from a Dockerfile.
BuildahImagePruneSettings Settings for Buildah prune [OPTIONS]. Remove unused images.
BuildahImagePushSettings Settings for Buildah push [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG]. Push an image or a repository to a registry.
BuildahImageTagSettings Settings for Buildah tag SOURCE_IMAGE[:TAG] TARGET_IMAGE[:TAG]. Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE.
BuildahRegistryLoginSettings Settings for Buildah login [OPTIONS] [SERVER]. Log in to a Buildah registry.
BuildahRegistryLogoutSettings Settings for Buildah logout [SERVER]. Logout from a Buildah registry.
BuildahTool<TSettings> Base class for all Buildah related tools.
Constants Constants.
EmptySettings Using when there are no settings.
GenericBuildahRunner<TSettings> Generic Buildah Runner.