AppVeyorCancelBuild(string, string, string, string)
Cancels a build.
AppVeyorCancelDeployment(string, int)
Cancels a Deployment.
AppVeyorClearCache(AppVeyorSettings, string, string)
Clears the AppVeyor Cache using additional settings in AppVeyorSettings.
AppVeyorClearCache(string, string, string)
Clears the AppVeyor Cache.
AppVeyorDeployment(string, int)
Gets the specified Deployment.
AppVeyorEnvironmentDeployments(string, int)
Gets Deployments for the given Environment.
Gets Environments.
AppVeyorProjectBuildByVersion(string, string, string, string)
Gets the project build by version.
AppVeyorProjectDeployments(string, string, string)
Gets the Deployments for a given project.
AppVeyorProjectHistory(AppVeyorSettings, string, string, int, Nullable<int>, string)
Gets the project build history using additional settings in AppVeyorSettings.
AppVeyorProjectHistory(string, string, string, int, Nullable<int>, string)
Gets the project build history.
AppVeyorProjectLastBranchBuild(string, string, string, string)
Gets the last build on the specified branch of the project.
AppVeyorProjectLastBuild(AppVeyorSettings, string, string)
Gets the last build of the project using additional settings in AppVeyorSettings.
AppVeyorProjectLastBuild(string, string, string)
Gets the last build of the project.
AppVeyorProjectLastSuccessfulBuild(AppVeyorSettings, string, string, string, Nullable<int>)
Gets the last successful build of the project using additional settings in AppVeyorSettings.
AppVeyorProjectLastSuccessfulBuild(string, string, string, string, Nullable<int>)
Gets the last successful build of the project.
Gets all projects using additional settings in AppVeyorSettings.
Gets all projects.
AppVeyorStartBuildLatestCommit(string, string, string, string, Dictionary<string, string>)
Starts a build from the latest commit.
AppVeyorStartBuildPullRequest(string, string, string, int)
Starts a build for the given GitHub pull request.
AppVeyorStartBuildSpecificCommit(string, string, string, string, string)
Starts a build for a specific commit.
AppVeyorStartDeployment(string, string, string, string, string, string, Dictionary<string, string>)
Starts a Deployment.