This content is part of a third party extension that is not supported by the Cake project.
For more information about this extension see Cake.Incubator.
Describes a netcore project
- Assembly
- Cake
.Incubator .dll - Namespace
- Cake
.Incubator .Project - Base Types
- Object
public class NetCoreProject
Name | Summary |
NetCoreProject |
Name | Value | Summary |
AllowUnsafeBlocks | bool |
True if the assembly allows unsafe blocks
ApplicationIcon | string |
The application icon
Assembly |
string |
The signing key file path
AssemblyTitle | string |
The assembly title, defaults to the assemblyname
AssemblyVersion | string |
The Assembly Version
Authors | string[] |
dotnet pack: A list of packages authors, matching the profile names on
These are displayed in the NuGet Gallery on and are used to cross-reference packages by the same authors.
Build |
string |
dotnet pack: Specifies the folder where to place the output assemblies.
The output assemblies (and other output files) are copied into their respective framework folders.
Company | string |
The assembly or package company
ContentTargetFolders | string[] |
dotnet pack: This property specifies the default location of where all the content files should go if PackagePath is not specified for them.
The default value is "content;contentFiles".
Copyright | string |
Copyright details for the package.
DebugSymbols | bool |
True if compilation will output debug symbols
DebugType | string |
The debug type (portable, embedded, full)
DefineConstants | string[] |
Build pre-processor directives
DelaySign | bool |
When delay signed, the project will not run or be debuggable
Description | string |
dotnet pack: A long description of the package for UI display.
DocumentationFile | string |
The documentation file path
Dot |
ICollection |
The dotnet CLI tool references, a collection of
FileVersion | string |
The File Version
Generate |
bool |
True if assembly will generate xml documentation
Generate |
bool |
True if the package will be generated when building
Generate |
string |
Generate serialization assemblies (Off, On, Auto)
IncludeBuildOutput | bool |
dotnet pack: This Boolean values specifies whether the build output assemblies should be packed into the .nupkg file or not.
IncludeContentInPack | bool |
dotnet pack: This Boolean value specifies whether any items that have a type of Content will be included in the resulting package automatically. The default is true.
IncludeSource | bool |
dotnet pack: This Boolean value indicates whether the pack process should create a source package.
The source package contains the library's source code as well as PDB files.
Source files are put under the src/ProjectName directory in the resulting package file.
IncludeSymbols | bool |
dotnet pack: This Boolean value indicates whether the package should create an additional symbols package when the project is packed.
This package will have a .symbols.nupkg extension and will copy the PDB files along with the DLL and other output files.
IsPackable | bool |
dotnet pack: A Boolean value that specifies whether the project can be packed. The default value is true.
IsTool | bool |
dotnet pack: Specifies whether all output files are copied to the tools folder instead of the lib folder.
Note that this is different from a DotNetCliTool which is specified by setting the PackageType in the .csproj file.
IsWeb | bool |
True if this is a web project
LangVersion | string |
Assembly language version (ISO-1, ISO-2, [C#]2-7)
MinClientVersion | string |
dotnet pack: Specifies the minimum version of the NuGet client that can install this package, enforced by nuget.exe and the Visual Studio Package Manager.
Net |
string |
The netstandard package target version if specified
NeutralLanguage | string |
The assembly neutral language
NoPackageAnalysis | bool |
dotnet pack: Specifies that pack should not run package analysis after building the package.
NoWarn | string[] |
The pragma warnings to ignore during compilation
NuspecBasePath | string |
dotnet pack: Base path for the .nuspec file.
NuspecFile | string |
dotnet pack: Relative or absolute path to the .nuspec file being used for packing
NuspecProperties | NameValueCollection |
dotnet pack: list of key=value pairs.
Optimize | bool |
The optimize code flag
PackageIconUrl | string |
dotnet pack: A URL for a 64x64 image with transparent background to use as the icon for the package in UI display.
PackageId | string |
dotnet pack: The package id
PackageLicenseUrl | string |
dotnet pack: An URL to the license that is applicable to the package.
PackageOutputPath | string |
dotnet pack: Determines the output path in which the packed package will be dropped. Default is the OutputPath
PackageProjectUrl | string |
dotnet pack: A URL for the package's home page, often shown in UI displays as well as
PackageReferences | ICollection |
The project package references. A collection of
PackageReleaseNotes | string |
dotnet pack: Release notes for the package.
Package |
bool |
dotnet pack: A Boolean value that specifies whether the client must prompt the consumer to accept the package license before installing the package.
The default is false.
PackageTags | string[] |
dotnet pack: A list of tags that designates the package.
Package |
string[] |
The fallback targets to use when importing packages
PackAsTool | bool |
True if it should pack it as global tool
Preserve |
bool |
Required to be true for the compilation of razor views
Product | string |
The product name
ProjectReferences | ICollection |
The references to other projects. A collection of
PublicSign | bool |
Undocumented flag relating to assembly signing
RepositoryType | string |
dotnet pack: Specifies the type of the repository. Default is "git"
RepositoryUrl | string |
dotnet pack: Specifies the URL for the repository where the source code for the package resides and/or from which it's being built.
Runtime |
string |
The runtime framework version
RuntimeIdentifiers | string[] |
The runtime identifiers
RuntimeOptions | RuntimeOptions |
Optional runtime options to override the default settings
Sdk | string |
The net core sdk
SignAssembly | bool |
True if the assembly is signed during compilation
TargetFrameworks | string[] |
The projects target frameworks
Targets | ICollection |
The projects build targets. A collection of
Title | string |
dotnet pack: A human-friendly title of the package, typically used in UI displays as on and the Package Manager in Visual Studio.
If not specified, the package ID is used instead.
Treat |
string[] |
The warnings to specifically treat as errors
Treat |
bool |
True if wanrings will be treated as errors during compilation
Version | string |
The project version
WarningLevel | string |
Compiler warning level
Extension Methods
Name | Value | Summary |
Dump |
string |
Get a basic string representation of specified object.
From LoggingExtensions
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
IsIn |
bool |
Checks if the source is contained in a list
From EnumerableExtensions
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
NotNull |
void |
Throws an exception if the specified parameter's value is null.
From IssuesArgumentChecks
Requires the Cake.Issues addin
NotNull |
void |
Throws an exception if the specified parameter's value is null.
From Extensions
Requires the Cake.Ftp addin
ThrowIfNull |
T |
Throws a
System.ArgumentNullException with a specific message if the value is null, otherwise returns the value
From AssertExtensions
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
ThrowIfNull |
T |
Throws a
System.ArgumentNullException if the value is null, otherwise returns the value
From AssertExtensions
Requires the Cake.Incubator addin
ToDictionary |
IDictionary |
From ObjectHelpers
Requires the Cake.DeployParams addin
To |
string |
Returns the string value or a
Not set > markup suitable for Spectre.Console.
From StringExtensions
Requires the Cake.Issues addin