Cake.GitHub Namespace

Class Types

Class Summary
AmbiguousTagNameException Thrown if multiple releases with the same tag name are encountered.
AssetConflictException Thrown when multiple assets with the same file name are added to a GitHub Release.

Contains functionality related to GitHub.

It allows you to run calls against GitHub with just one line of code. In order to use the exposed commands you have to add the following line at top of your build.cake file.

#addin Cake.GitHub
GitHubCreateReleaseSettings Settings for creating a GitHub Release
GitHubIssueException Base class for exceptions that can be thrown while updating GitHub Issues (or Pull Requests)
GitHubRelease Provides information about a GitHub Release.
GitHubReleaseAsset Provides information about a Release asset (a file uploaded as part of a release).
GitHubReleaseException Base class for all exceptions thrown by the Cake.GitHubReleases.
GitHubSetMilestoneSettings Settings for setting an Issue's or Pull Request's Milestone.
IssueNotFoundException Thrown when an Issue or Pull Request was not found.
MilestoneAlreadySetException Thrown when an Issue's or Pull Request's Milestone is already set.
MilestoneNotFoundException Thrown when no matching Milestone was found.
ReleaseExistsException Thrown when a GitHub Release with the same tag name already exists


Namespace Summary