Cake.Frosting Namespace

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IFrostingContext Represents the build context.
IFrostingLifetime Represents the Setup/Teardown logic for a Cake run.
IFrostingSetup Represents setup logic.
IFrostingStartup Represents a startup configuration.
IFrostingTask A IFrostingTask represents a unit of work.
IFrostingTaskLifetime Represents the lifetime for all tasks.
IFrostingTaskSetup Represents a task setup action.
IFrostingTaskTeardown Represents a task teardown action.
IFrostingTeardown Represents teardown logic.
IToolInstaller Represents the tool installer.

Class Types

Class Summary
AsyncFrostingTask Base class for an asynchronous Frosting task using the standard context.
AsyncFrostingTask<T> Base class for an asynchronous Frosting task using a custom context.
CakeHost The Cake host.
CakeHostExtensions Contains extension methods for CakeHost.
ContinueOnErrorAttribute Used for hinting at Cake that exceptions thrown by a task decorated with this attribute should continue running.
FrostingContext Default implementation of the build context.
FrostingException Represent errors that occur during execution of Cake.
FrostingLifetime Base class for the Setup/Teardown logic of a Cake run.
FrostingLifetime<TContext> Base class for the Setup/Teardown logic of a Cake run.
FrostingSetup Base class for setup logic.
FrostingSetup<TContext> Base class for setup logic.
FrostingTask Base class for a Frosting task using the standard context.
FrostingTask<T> Base class for a Frosting task using a custom context.
FrostingTaskLifetime Base class for the lifetime for a task.
FrostingTaskLifetime<TContext> Base class for the lifetime for a task.
FrostingTaskSetup Base class for the setup logic of a task.
FrostingTaskSetup<TContext> Base class for the setup logic of a task.
FrostingTaskTeardown Base class for the teardown logic of a task.
FrostingTaskTeardown<TContext> Base class for the teardown logic of a task.
FrostingTeardown Base class for teardown logic.
FrostingTeardown<TContext> Base class for teardown logic.
IsDependeeOfAttribute Represents a reverse dependency.
IsDependentOnAttribute Represents a dependency.
ServiceCollectionExtensions Contains extensions for IServiceCollection.
TaskDescriptionAttribute Represents a task description.
TaskNameAttribute Represents a custom task name.