Cake.Core Namespace


The Cake.Core namespace contains fundamental classes and base classes for Cake and the Cake scripting environment.

Class Types

Class Summary
AfterSetupEventArgs Event data for the AfterSetup event.
AfterTaskSetupEventArgs Event data for the AfterTaskSetup event.
AfterTaskTeardownEventArgs Event data for the AfterTaskTeardown event.
AfterTeardownEventArgs Event data for the AfterTeardown event.
BeforeSetupEventArgs Event data for the BeforeSetup event.
BeforeTaskSetupEventArgs Event data for the BeforeTaskSetup event.
BeforeTaskTeardownEventArgs Event data for the BeforeTaskTeardown event.
BeforeTeardownEventArgs Event data for the BeforeTeardown event.
ByteArrayExtensions Contains extension methods for byte[].
CakeArguments Represents arguments passed to the executing script.
CakeArgumentsExtensions Contains extension methods for ICakeArguments.
CakeConfigurationExtensions Contains extension methods for ICakeConfiguration.
CakeConsole The default console implementation.
CakeContext Implementation of ICakeContext.
CakeContextAdapter Adapter to ensure correct conversion of Cake Context in derived classes.
CakeDataService Implementation of ICakeDataService.
CakeEngine The Cake execution engine.
CakeEngineActions Container for actions required by the engine.
CakeEnvironment Represents the environment Cake operates in.
CakeEnvironmentExtensions Contains extensions for ICakeEnvironment.
CakeException Represent errors that occur during script execution.
CakePlatform Represents the platform that Cake is running on.
CakePlatformExtensions Contains extension methods for ICakePlatform.
CakeReport Contains information about tasks that were executed in a script.
CakeReportEntry Represents an entry in a CakeReport.
CakeReportPrinter The default report printer.
CakeRuntime Represents the runtime that Cake is running in.
CakeTask A CakeTask represents a unit of work.
CakeTaskBuilder Allows configuration to be performed for a registered CakeTask.
CakeTaskBuilder<TData> Allows configuration to be performed for a registered CakeTask.
CakeTaskBuilderExtensions Contains extension methods for CakeTaskBuilder.
CakeTaskBuilderOfTExtensions Contains extension methods for CakeTaskBuilder<TData>.
CakeTaskCriteria Represents Cake task criteria.
CakeTaskDependency Represents a task dependency.
CakeTaskExtensions Contains extension methods for CakeTask.
ConsoleExtensions Contains extension methods for IConsole.
DefaultExecutionStrategy The default execution strategy.
DirectoryExtensions Contains extensions for IDirectory.
Disposable Disposable helper.
EnumerableStringExtensions Contains extension methods for IEnumerable{String}.
ExecutionSettings Contains settings related to execution of the script.
MethodInfoExtensions Contains extension methods for MethodInfo.
ProcessArgumentListExtensions Contains extension methods for ProcessArgumentBuilder.
ProcessRunnerExtensions Contains extension methods for IProcessRunner.
ProcessSettingsExtensions Contains extension methods for ProcessSettings.
SetupContext Acts as a context providing info about the overall build following its completion.
StringExtensions Contains extension methods for string.
TaskSetupContext Adapter to ensure correct conversion of Cake Context in derived classes.
TaskTeardownContext Adapter to ensure correct conversion of Cake Context in derived classes.
TeardownContext Adapter to ensure correct conversion of Cake Context in derived classes.
TypeExtensions Contains extension methods for System.Type.
UriExtensions Extensions for System.Uri.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
ICakeArguments Represents arguments passed to the executing script.
ICakeContext Represents a context for scripts and script aliases.
ICakeDataResolver Represents a data context resolver.
ICakeDataService Represents a data context service.
ICakeEngine Represents the Cake engine.
ICakeEnvironment Represents the environment Cake operates in.
ICakePlatform Represents the platform that Cake is running on.
ICakeReportPrinter Represents a report printer.
ICakeRuntime Represents the runtime that Cake is running in.
ICakeTaskInfo Provides descriptive properties about a cake task.
IConsole Represents console output.
IExecutionStrategy Represents a task execution strategy.
ISetupContext Acts as a context providing info about the overall build before its started.
ITaskSetupContext Acts as a context providing info about a CakeTask before its invocation.
ITaskTeardownContext Acts as a context providing info about a CakeTask following its invocation.
ITeardownContext Acts as a context providing info about the overall build following its completion.

Enum Types

Enum Summary
CakeReportEntryCategory Represents a Cake report entry category.
CakeTaskExecutionStatus The execution status of a CakeTask.
PlatformFamily Represents a platform family.


Namespace Summary
Cake.Core.Annotations This namespace contain attributes used by the Cake engine and addins.
Cake.Core.Diagnostics This namespace contain types that enable you to implement custom logging support and interact with build logs.
Cake.Core.IO This namespace contain fundamental types that support input and output, including the ability to read and write data to streams and to interact with the file system.
Cake.Core.Scripting This namespace contain types related to script processing and execution.
Cake.Core.Text This namespace contain types related to text processing and transformations.
Cake.Core.Tooling This namespace contain base classes and functionality related to tooling.